What breeds are these 3 week old chicks?

Black and white is an anconna,striped one is an americaunna,Blonde one is a buff minorca,blue one is blue andulisan. I got the same orrder several years back!

The black & white chick is an Ancona. Ours sings all the time, is friendly and loves to forage. Their looks change alot when they're growing!

Here is a pic of our Ancona chick, Lucy, at 15 days.

This picure was taken March 25th at 9 months of age. Here is Lucy with our Golden Laced Wyandotte, Jackie.
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Sorry for the confusion. I would like to know what breed the white bird is and the brown & black one. I think is a golden seabright, but not sure.
I ordered mostly all males, I will be raising them for meat. SORRY. I treat my birds well and love all of them. I was raised on a farm and I eat chicken anyways. I might as well eat some that I raised and I know have been fed good and are cared for well.
I have about 6-9 pullets, I was told be the hatchery. I also picked up 4 Black Giant pullets from the local feed store. I think that I have a couple RIR pullets, not sure. That's part of the waiting game.

The buff one...if it has straight comb and white legs it is a buff orpington. If it has yellow legs it is a buff rock. Some look like easter eggers (you can usually tell these by greenish legs and pea combs).

I'm guessing many people raise chickens for meat. I raise them for meat, pets (outside pets, yes, but still pets) and for eggs. I grew up on a farm as well. I read somewhere - oh, in Mother Earth News, that someone made the comment "how can you be so cruel as to eat your chickens after you've known them?" the response was "how can you be so cruel as to eat an animal after not knowing them, or how they have lived?" I like that, and I'll use if first chance I get...
"how can you be so cruel as to eat your chickens after you've known them?" the response was "how can you be so cruel as to eat an animal after not knowing them, or how they have lived?"

I love that, I have always eaten animals that I've raised. I learned at a young age that just because they are food, doesn't mean you can't love them. My chicks are so cute and I do love them, but they will taste good as well!


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