What breeds are these bantam chicks?


8 Years
Apr 30, 2011
Jackson Springs, NC
All are clean legged. I received 25 chicks today from Ideal Poultry. I can't wait to find out what they all are! Here are the pics I have so far.

Chick #1

Chick #2

Chick #3... even its beak is black & white I think.

Chick #4

Chick #5

There are others I am not sure about like the pure yellow ones I assume will be all white when feathered. I will keep posting updated pics as they feather as well. Thanks in advance!
Hmm, I don't really have a clue. But when they start growing their feathers in, it will be easier to figure out their breed.
Only one I'd put a guess on would be the black and white one being a mottled japanese bantam. The others I don't have a clue. Maybe in a couple weeks??

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