what breeds are these please?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 15, 2011
im hoping that after all your help with the 'egg situation' you will be able to suggest what breeds my girls, and boy might be? this was taken quite a few weeks ago now but their marking have not changed except to get more defined and striking.

standing at the back is Whitey, then left to right its Quackers, Basil and Benny (Benedict)

I hope this pic upload thing works...

thanks in advance!!!! xx

where you get them? I think you basil is a khaki campbell. And quakers may be too, but I dont know. I hope this bumps you so u may get better help.
ooo thank you for the quick reply!

i suspected basil might be a KC, he is our drake and so so handsome. he is like a little puppy following me round and tugging at my trouser legs if i try to go into the house.

Well we got them from a local market thing for ducks/chickens/geese etc. we didnt really intend to get them right at that moment just went to look but my hubby fell in love with Quackers (they were still yellow and fluffy when we got them) cos she kept looking at him and she was in the cage with the rest of them...so four ducklings later here we are haha

Love them all though but Basil always has and always will be my favourite, little mischeivous duck he is lol
Hahaha. They are very cute though! I have a ancona that would follow me everywhere! When she was a duckling, she still does lol. I try to atleased bump people that need help. When I was trying to figure out my 8 ducks breeds I had no help at all. I just hope you can find some.
Basil looks a lot like my Khaki girls, maybe a mix? I don't notice a drake feather on Basil, does it just not show in the picture? They are very pretty ducks.


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