What Breeds Integrate Well with Plymouth Barred Rocks?


6 Years
Apr 12, 2017
South Florida
I have a 2 year old Barred Rock. She is extremely social, intelligent, cuddly, active, a good layer, but very territorial because she is alone in the coup. She is the boss of the dogs and cats, but I want to grow the flock. I'm nervous she will be very aggressive with other hens. I have integrated other hens before, but all of the same breed and age. Does anyone have advice or experience with certain breeds integrating better together than others? I am looking to start off with 2 additional egg layers.
I have 2 barred rocks along with blue Ameracaunas and Faverolles. Everyone gets along fine, one of the barred rocks is the alpha hen and the others know it. I will be integrating 4 littles soon, so we'll see how the adult barred rocks do with that, but I am hopeful all will go well. The BR's are curious about the babies, the Ameracauna & Faverolle not so much.
To OP: Do you ever intend to have a roo, and breed your own replacement chicks? If so, that may enter into your decision process. A non white, non barred roo would produce black sex links when placed over a barred hen. So... based on your desires, you could add a couple more BR hens. But, I'm guessing you are in the "keep a small flock without having a roo" camp. In that case, if you want something other than BR, I'd choose a similar sized, docile, does well in confinement bird. Check out Henderson's chicken breeds chart for the many options available to you.
What ages are you planning to add? To me age is tremendously more important than breed. And how much room you have plays a big part.

As LG aid your goals can have an influence on what you choose, but I'm not in the camp where breed is tremendously important. With you only adding two, I believe the individual personalities of the hens will play a much bigger part than breed. That's the personality of the one you have as much as the ones you are adding.

If egg laying is your primary concern I'd be happy to add any color/pattern of another Rock, Wyandotte, Orpington, Delaware, New Hampshire, Chantecler, Buckeye, Australorp, Ameraucana, Easter Egger, Dominique, or any of the various red or black sex links. I'm sure I'm forgetting some.
Thank you so much for this information! Yes I want to add slowly to the flock for egg laying purposes. I have a two story coup which will house six hens comfortably and about a 1/4 acre yard for free ranging. I was thinking to get two baby chicks and then introduce them to the coup slowly at 4 - 6 weeks old.

I am assuming by your breed recommendations that the brown egg layers are better together? Also do they go after each other when they have very different coloring? I have seen a group of yellow baby chicks peck on a black chick that was in their cage.

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