what can chickens eat

i've read that yqou shouldn't give citrus to chickens for this matter and whatnot but don't do it

5 apples worth of apple seeds might make a bird sick but not dead I believe 100 grams of apple seed contain enough Cyanide to kill a bird. Where would you get 100 grams of the stuff?
My chickens love oranges....they don't eat the peels. They love most fruits...and lay eggs regularly. I'm saying that cuz someone will come on and say...don't feed them fruit cuz they will stop laying. My chickies eat lots of fruit, especially in the summer. Haven't tried grape fruit, tho.
nice to see another zilla

I have read the "treat Chart" but at what age can I start giving my girls these treats?

I have two Barred Rocks and two New Hampshire Reds all at three weeks of age.

we started with soft treats at first. bananas, plain yogurt and such. we can't remember exactly when we started giving them treats, but they were little. it's alot like little kids, you can't remember all the details.
I am glad for the link to the treat chart--that was most helpful.

I can't wait to get them some crickets, it should be funny to watch!

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