What can I do to help my button start laying?


Feb 17, 2019
I hatched out my button quail 16 weeks ago and they have still not laid any eggs yet. I only have a couple males and the rest are females. I keep them on the highest all flock protein feed I can find at the store. Nights have gotten cooler and I have had to put a lamp on them as well during the night to help them stay warm. Im just at a loss on why they are not laying yet. Any ideas or tips I can will are very appreciated 😊
Do they have plenty of hiding places? Do they have supplemental calcium on the side (crushed oyster or egg shell in quail sized pieces)? They don't need super high protein once they're adults, but do need the calcium.
When I had button quail I fed them laying mash mixed with hard-boiled egg and dried meal worms. They were under flourescent lights on a timer; on at 5 AM and off at 9 PM.
I am going to try giving them a hard boiled egg in their food. I have several different flocks so I have all flock pellets. I have to soak them so they can eat them. They seem to eat all of their feed better when I soak
Do they have plenty of hiding places? Do they have supplemental calcium on the side (crushed oyster or egg shell in quail sized pieces)? They don't need super high protein once they're adults, but do need the calcium.
Yes, they have hiding places along with free choice oyster shell

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