What can I do with this?


5 Years
Jul 21, 2018
What can I do to keep the wood inside becoming covered in poop and impossible to clean? Or once shaving or hay is put down will that protect it?
Nothing will keep it from getting covered in poop. A couple good coats of high gloss scrubbable paint will make it easier to clean though. Hay and/or shavings will help to absorb some of the poop and smell but will have to be changed out frequently.
Is any scrubbable paint safe?
I have porch and floor paint on the floor of my coops and on inside walls of one. It has been 5+ years and zero issues from it.

No peeling, or separation and no sick birds.

It comes in bright white and muted gray.

It IS thick and stinks and takes a few days to dry/cure but is very durable. Oh and I did not use a primer.
You could also line the wood with linoleum ... Home Depot has a sheet of white pliable plastic (8x4) that is very durable & easy to work with (cuts with a utility knife or multi - purpose scissors) ... Darn can't recall the product name but it's found in the building lumber section, cost $20. Toss a nice layer of bedding, you can remove to scrub/wash down. I use to line the poop board, saves having to scrub the wood.
Go to a flooring store and ask for some remnant pieces. I use the vinyl and just cut it to fit. Roll it towards the middle from both sides, pull it out and wipe as needed. VIOLA!!!
Also good for emergency roof leaks.
What can I do to keep clean?
I have gone with a wire 2" grid over my coop floor. Similar to what is pictured below with 4"x4"x4" cubed blocks stationed under neath the grid on top of a tarp to form a drop pit it worked excellent all summer and I will clean the coop before winter sets in and things freeze solid. The grid even keeps your chicken's feet cleaner which in turn keeps your eggs and nest boxes less soiled. I live in Canada and am subject to -40º temperatures.
Clean up is simple replace the tarp with a second one. Spread the first tarp out in the sun to bake and dry. Then flex the first tarp over the compost bin and hose off any stubborn chicken poop. Frozen poop just peels off in Canada during winter.

P.S.Your gird and supports would not need as much integrity as it does not have to support your body weight.
Is any scrubbable paint safe?

If it is safe enough to use in a kitchen, it is safe enough to use in a chicken coop.
I’ve also used sheet linoleum in a brooder before, but I wasn’t very good at cutting it correctly and it got lots of shavings, etc. underneath the edges. But the surface was super easy to keep clean, easier than the painted surface that I have now. My concern though is water getting under and causing rot over time.

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