what can I plant for my chickens?

If you have dogs that can get to the grapes, you might want to rethink the grape arbor. Grapes are apparently highly toxic to dogs.

No dogs of my own, but maybe the mongrels that came by on labor day and killed my rooster will eat them and get what they deserve (Is that mean?)
Plant millet. The chickens will go nuts for it and it doesn't really require care after it gets a good start.
I give my birds treats of scratch, (oats, sunflower seeds, once in awhile bird seed, cracked corn etc.), in small quanities as these are treats. I also give them vegies, fruits, most everything that I can grow. I do grow a lot of corn and watermelon especially, also tomatoes, squash, root crops, the list can go on. I feed them everything except potatoes. I figure they will eat what they want. I do free range them. I have never had a problem with their egg production. Here is the link to BYC Chicken Treat Chart. https://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=2593-Treats_Chart
I plant nasturtiums for the girls (and us!). Flowers and leaves are great in human salads (kind of peppery) and are supposed to prevent intestinal parasites in chickens.

Easy to grow, require little care and pretty to look at.

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