What can I put with golden pheasant

Like your user name, "the beginner", if your just starting out with Goldens, then concentrate on meeting there needs; ie, housing, habitat, nutritional requirements, etc before attempting running a mixed flock. Do lots of research/learning before acquiring any "bird" and your chances for success will be rewarded immensely!
what plant can I put with my golden pheasants
Mis read your post, thought you were asking what other birds you could mix with your Goldens. Plant wise, clover, little blue stem, native grasses, small evergreens if they will grow were your located. First post is still valid, do alot of research.
Thank you so much my goldies have been munching all the grasses that that the avarie had and now there is nothing but now I have good Idea what to plant to keep them Happy Thank you 007Sean

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