What can I use as a scalder?

We just processed one today for the first time as a test run and hubby used a fryer that he bought at Home Depot and purchased a temp prob that we could get the water to the right temp. Worked like a charm for our trial run!
It is big and can do the trick!
Seen a DIY scolder where washtub, thermostat &120v Heating element was used. I am planning on trying that. Wasn't sure if I could post the link but google
"80lbs of chicken in 8 weeks on a 1/4 acre"
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I used my Hot Water bath canner- but I used it in the house. Our kitchen is in the back of the house and you just have to go through the back porch to get there. So we would take a 5-gallon bucket of chickens in and do it like that.

I made sure to have all the windows open and lots of air freshner on hand...
Thanks for all the wonderful replies! My husband will look at this as finally a reason to get a turkey fryer!! LOL
I can tell him I also need a canning pot and we will both be happy!

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