what can take a full grown embden

Sorry to hear that.
Was it a predator?
im pretty sure it was a predator because her back and neck skin was gone and her intestines were out. But it may have been my cats being i didnt find her for a whole day. She was very young with no health problems. How cold can a goose take? it couldnt have gone any under -10 at the absolute lowest. im just so lost, she lived through an F4 tornado that ripped her shed into splinters?
Im just so sad and lost.
Fox coyote or dog working alone (not in a pack) usually don't leave feathers or blood. I have used mini-cams wireless to a recorder. Their M.O. is to sneak as close as they can, grab a goose by the neck and get undercover as fast as they can. Then (undercover) they kill, eat their favorite parts and stash the body (usually away from the killing ground) for future meals. I have had geese that managed to excape after they were nabbed and returned to tell the rest of the flock all about it. Usually the flock will no longer venture close to cover like they used to. A good sized goose makes a mean opponent for a fox if the goose excapes the neck hold. With a big dog or a coyote they usually become lunch with lots of left-overs.
so sorry to hear about your goose. I lost three last year and never knew what killed them. they had no sign of being hurt or pieces missing so figured a dog did it for sport. so heartbreaking to lose such a wonderful pet
i know she was sooo silly chasing the cars out of the drive way!

shes always in my heart

my dad said goose= christmas present maybe
Sorry to hear about your goose. If you get another, a good pen is in order.

Not to hijack the thread, but this afternoon there was a commotion out back, and since the geese don't usually fuss too much during the day, I went out to see what was up.

My gander was in full fighting mode and when I went around the side of the house I saw why. Our neighbor's little chihuahua squeezed through our back gate and was in the yard with the geese. He was definitely trying to find the exit as quickly as possible. My guess is he found out that messing with an enraged Chinese gander was not a very good idea, especially since the gander is at least three times his size. I doubt the little varmint will come back again. Serves him right. I hate the little twerp anyway, since he likes to chase cars and nip at heels.

After I shooed him out, I went back to the gander, who promptly decided to bite me, and checked him out real quick. He had a little scrape right on the end of his knob that looked almost like a broken dried blister on your hand would. No blood, and since he was riled enough to try to take me on I just let him be for a little while until he calmed down.

Went back outside a little later with a handful of pellets and he came running over like nothing had happened. He was fine. I figure he could have gotten scraped anywhere, since he's always banging into things anyway. I'm actually surprised he doesn't get banged up more often since he's the klutziest bird alive.

I didn't check the neighbor's dog, but I hope he's got a couple of nice little souvenirs for his trouble.

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