What can you tell me about Black Jersey Giants?


Aug 19, 2022
Are they sweet? Quiet? Friendly? Good foragers? Do they eat a lot more than other birds? Are they cuddly at all? What’s good or bad about ‘em? We have an existing flock of four girls and have considered these or Bielefelders, Dorkings, or Sussex. We have 2 Barred Rocks, a Sapphire gem and an Olive Egger currently. We are looking for pets first, that are a little more cuddly and pet friendly and get along worth the other girls and won’t disturb the pecking order. I was curious about them because they have my heart and seem like some of the cutest and most chill and relaxed chicks! Please share your experience.

Thanks in advance! :)
I love my Jersey Giant. She's very chill and laid-back. Likes to sit on my lap for a good wattle rub. She's not aggressive in the least. She will just give my other one the evil eye until they back off. Maybe a peck for good measure but doesn't hurt them or actually touch them. She is great around my 6 dogs. She is my love.
Jersey Giants are considered a docile breed, but as mentioned each bird is an individual and personalities can change by environment. So if you select a mature bird that exists peacefully in a flock, it may not be so peaceful for one reason or another in a different flock.

Depending on where your JG comes from (hatchery versus breeder), can make a difference in both size of the bird and number of eggs. A Jersey Giant from a hatchery will not reach the massive sizes that birds from a breeder who focuses on the breed standard will reach. At the same time, a bird from a hatchery will often lay more eggs than one from a breeder.

Jersey Giants eat significantly more feed than most other chickens. Mine forage well. They don’t seem predator aware but since mine are breeding and show prospects, I don’t let them free range.

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