What chicken breeds are best for holding/tame?

Agree with other posts, i would add buff orpingtons and marans. But don't forget, just because a breed is known to be nice dosen't mean you can get a rotten apple every once in a while.
I am pretty sure my friend has a black orpington. It has feathers on the legs and is very tame,doesn't really mind being picked up. I will make a new post once I get pictures to verify. Thank you all for the help!
My friendliest girls have been cream legbars, buff orpingtons, lavender orpingtons, cuckoo marans, and a Rhode island red. All of these have been lap chickens.
When they are chicks I get down at ground level and just sit with them.
My rooster is a pretty good guy too. He is 1/2 blue orpington. I know most people say don't handle the cockrells when they are young, but I was sure he was a female. Lol. He is close to two now and is still friendly. I'm sure it's because he is part orpington.
My friendliest girls have been cream legbars, buff orpingtons, lavender orpingtons, cuckoo marans, and a Rhode island red. All of these have been lap chickens.
When they are chicks I get down at ground level and just sit with them.
My rooster is a pretty good guy too. He is 1/2 blue orpington. I know most people say don't handle the cockrells when they are young, but I was sure he was a female. Lol. He is close to two now and is still friendly. I'm sure it's because he is part orpington.
The chicks I want to handle have never had any calm reaction when picked up. I try to catch them, but they cluck and flap their wings to get away. I have only succeeded once, when the chicks were small enough to under their old coop in their pen.I picked it up, it acted as if it were wild. They was hatched and raised by a broody hen. They were kept with their mom to learn how to forage and other chicken things. The two breeds I am certain are in the brood are leghorns and barred/Plymouth rock. They look like adults, but are still not laying eggs. Still too young.

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