What chicken breeds are best for holding/tame?

I've owned several breeds and found many "personalities" cross the board - from friendly to moody to down right nasty. But I've also had a few from an incubator that seem to "imprint" and have been very friendly initially , yet when introduce to the flock they can be "corrupted". They are "individuals" and as such will go their own way. Right now I have exclusively Sussex and found them to be quite friendly , though not necessarily all like to be held. But for a chicken that will come right up to greet you and eat out of your hand , all in my flock do.
We got a dozen chicks, Ameraucana, Golden Sex Links, and Wyandottes. I had never raised them before, but hubby had. We got them mail order as day olds. After a week we would take them out to the garden every day and sit with them. They all got pretty friendly. Unfortunately they were killed by dogs before they started to lay, but there was one survivor, a Golden Sex Link. She became super friendly and docile, letting me bathe her when she had problems (she had been injured). Looking back on the photos we had taken, she always seemed closer to us than some of the others. We miss that whole experience, it was a fun time.
I love my Silkies! My girls squat down when I get near them .I give them a few pets and scratches and off they go. I had a rooster that would sit on my lap for hours and fall asleep. He lived to be 9 years old.I have 6 hens and one rooster. When I go to the coop I call them each by name and they respond in their own way.Having them is therapeutic.I enjoy spending time in the coop watching and listening to them.Silkies are actually very social birds.When I am go outside they will come running up to me...probably because they know they are going to get a treat .:) They are fantastic egg layers. I have two that are broody right now.I am getting an egg a day.Hubby built me a new coop and run this summer.♥♥ I didn't even have to ask.
Love your setup, your chickens look like they live in heaven!
In my experience buff Orpingtons, EE/Oe, and ameraucanas have the best temperament for that sort of things. Ameraucanas, Oe, and ee have colorful eggs to go with it! For the most part though if they are handled a lot when they are young most breeds, with a few exceptions, will be friendly and come to you and let you handle them. I had a legbar (known for being flighty) be one of my friendliest birds just because of how much we handled her.
Brahmas tend to be very tame/friendly. From my experience the larger breeds tend to be friendlier/easier to handle.
I have had many breeds. But I would have to say my specialty, D’Uccle’s have always been the sweetest.
You can snuggle them they will follow you around and they love to just be stroked! Now I can’t speak for each D’Uccle out there because all are different but they are sweet.

Silkie my cockerel falling asleep on my arm


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If you want a smaller bird that comes right up to you and will snuggle in, I’m enjoying my silkies and satins. Our sweetest have been our roosters. I let my 3 and 4 year old handle the roosters but leave the hens alone so that they don’t hurt them. Our sweetest rooster is the most snuggly and never try’s to get away. He’s a sucker for attention.

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