What chickens would you get?

I like cochins and cochin crosses. They don't really fly so they don't escape easily. They aren't particularly bright but cuddly and calm. My favorite are ee's crossed with cochins because the egg laying goes way up and colored eggs are fun.
This is my favorite girl, mommy chicken, (ee hen x cochin roo) visits several nights a week (wearing a diaper), watches television, enjoys strawberry tops, bad grapes, bread crusts while hanging out with us. Last year I had her started raising some hatched chicks but she was an over enthusiastic scratcher . This resulted in little chicks flying through the air. It upset my Dad so she lost her job. They went under a light. About three weeks later I was cleaning the coop when she came walking over (it was a long ways away from her area btw) and she looks through the door. She really wanted her job back. I gave her back her job since the chicks could handle the dynamite scratching, she's a wonderful mom.
My Buttercups are really friendly and fun birds. They are good layers too. Cochins are gentle and beautiful. My hamburgs aren't very social but good layers. Polish don't mix well with other breeds. They like to peck their heads. My golden laced are good birds, great layers. I had some Red Stars and they layed huge eggs. Most chickens can live together even if they are different breeds. I have little ones with my big ones and they do fine.
In the not to distant past I would have to say Buff Orps - they are still a favorite and a great overall bird. About a year and 1/2 ago we got some Cuckoo Marans, they are super calm, great egg layers, very gentle, hatch and raise their chicks. They are one of the few birds we have that are calm enough that you can just reach down and scoop one up and hold it. - it takes a calm chicken do be able to do that.



Steve in NC
Thanks everyone! I'm so excited! Thanks for explaining why you would chooses the breeds you suggested, that is very helpful!

As far as the Welsummers and Polish breeds... why would you suggest those?
I have red sexlinks and barred rocks (great year round egg producers and good temperment) and I also have a japanese bantam roo who I adore, he thinks he is THE MAN with all these wonderful big ladies around him and I also have an EE that lays the most beautiful mint green eggs ever.

My advice is get what you like. If you like smaller breeds get some, mix them up, if you aren't looking to breed and hatch your own purebred eggs then get lots of different kinds. Have fun with it!!!
I have 3 Golden Buffs now but my plan is to get 10 more next year. I am not planning to get any roos at this time. For all choices, cold hardiness is very important. These choices are coming from the Meyer Hatchery catalog descriptions and also talking to Meyer Hatchery personnel. Not to mention some posts on BYC.

My choices are:

2 Rhode Island Reds - excellent egg layers and docile
2 Speckled Sussex - very good egg layers, calm, just like their coloring/markings
2 Buckeye - good egg layers, friendly, calm & sociable plus I'm from Ohio!
2 Ameraucana - blue eggs, like the coloring, good egg production
2 Welsummer - good egg production with speckled eggs, docile/friendly, like the look

I would talk to people in your area and see what does well and then also just research the breeds and see what fits in with your lifestyle/family.
I love orps...any color! They are nice and friendly and i love watching the big ball of fluff run...makes me laugh.

i also love my barred rocks. they are just laying now and are soooo cuddly they wont get off my lap.
I really like my Barred Rocks. They are so calm, nothing freaks them out, easy to catch.

My absolute favorite hen is a wrong-color Ameraucana. She's dark brown with a gold line down each feather. Picked her up at a breeder's for fairly cheap since brown is not a recognized color. She's the only one of my hens that actively wants to be petted.

I have some Cuckoo Marans pullets that look just like the ones pictured in this thread. I hope they turn out as wonderfully.

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