what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

I've been reading your post trying to learn. Never heard of a chicken squatting. Today one of my pioneers (rainbow Dixie's) who is very red in the face squared for me I think... Lol. When I petted her back she put her head down the feathers on her neck stuck out her wings went out and she squatted. Look to me as a submissive move meant for the rooster. I got her march 10th wasn't REALY expecting eggs till late July early August.
two weeks, mark the calendar, lol.
My girls were born on 1/31 and we just got our first eggs from one of them a little over a week ago. That does seem early. But, then again, stranger things have happened.
So the Buff Orpington (one of the four gals I have) has been like clockwork each day - about the same time - one small egg (born 1/31/14). Yesterday, there was an egg in the box that was a full 1/3 size bigger than what she's been laying. Do they rapidly increase in size like that or is, possibly, one of my other girls now laying? Today, she's back to the same small egg... but I've seen/heard the other girls messin' around in the nest boxes... so I'm wondering... hmmmm.

I feel like I should get a web cam and set it up in there!
Such a geek!
So the Buff Orpington (one of the four gals I have) has been like clockwork each day - about the same time - one small egg (born 1/31/14). Yesterday, there was an egg in the box that was a full 1/3 size bigger than what she's been laying. Do they rapidly increase in size like that or is, possibly, one of my other girls now laying? Today, she's back to the same small egg... but I've seen/heard the other girls messin' around in the nest boxes... so I'm wondering... hmmmm. I feel like I should get a web cam and set it up in there! Such a geek! Mel
I would love a Web Cam to watch them while I'm inside in the air conditioning.
It was
I would love a Web Cam to watch them while I'm inside in the air conditioning.
so hot today I went out for a little while then brought my Dorking back in with me. She did ok for a while but wasn't long and she wanted out think it was cuz my daughter taking pics lol
Thanks :) quote name="mandtroof" url="/t/898763/what-clues-are-there-to-know-when-a-chicken-is-going-to-start-laying-eggs/180#post_13743232"]
Pretty![/quote] they are very friendly
So the Buff Orpington (one of the four gals I have) has been like clockwork each day - about the same time - one small egg (born 1/31/14). Yesterday, there was an egg in the box that was a full 1/3 size bigger than what she's been laying. Do they rapidly increase in size like that or is, possibly, one of my other girls now laying? Today, she's back to the same small egg... but I've seen/heard the other girls messin' around in the nest boxes... so I'm wondering... hmmmm. I feel like I should get a web cam and set it up in there! Such a geek! Mel
My RIR started laying a week ago and missed a day of laying, the egg after the missed day was quite a bit larger and it turned out to be a double yolk! Maybe yours is too! But ever since the large egg she is back to laying the single yolk eggs ... So it seems likely that it's still the same hen! Good luck!
Is it normal for hens to be more friendly once they start laying? Ever since my RiR started laying she has been so much more friendly and easier to handle! Before I could hardly get near her!

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