What Color are these Ameraucanas?

Here is the links that ArizonaDesertChicks was talking about I think : Ameraucana Breeders Club

It says they can be: Black, Blue, Blue Wheaten, Brown Red, Buff, Silver, Wheaten & White

Here is the link with there pics of chicks and pullets and the colors. Very good pictures here: http://ameraucana.org/scrapbook.html

total guess from looking at the pics and guessing what yours are going to feather into are the darker ones will be brown red and lighter ones will be silver.

Someone else with more experience will probably help out more because I am so new to this. But check out the links and they will help.

Edited Ameraucana Breeders Club says "they will lay eggs with blue shells"

Your birds are so pretty.
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I thought to be an Ameraucana, they had to lay blue eggs?

They are supposed to, yes, but not all do. I've seen some pretty nice ameraucana that layed green or turquoise eggs - some even a olive tint.

Of course, great quality birds will lay blue - the birds that lay green either are "low quality" or just come from a poorly regulated breeding program. All ameraucna / araucana breeders should breed for blue eggs. Not saying they shouldn't

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