What color are these guineas?

They're babies, you won't be able to tell until they start getting their adult feathers, but they will change color, and I'm guessing pearl probably where it seems to be the most common color.
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These guineas have gotten much older and continue to puzzle me. They have blue heads. I tried to get good pictures but they weren't too keen on letting me get close enough and shoving a camera in their faces. They look a lot like helmeted guineas.


Everything I've read says domestic guineas aren't supposed to have blue heads. Are these wild guineas then? What makes a guinea wild?
These guineas have gotten much older and continue to puzzle me. They have blue heads. I tried to get good pictures but they weren't too keen on letting me get close enough and shoving a camera in their faces. They look a lot like helmeted guineas.


Everything I've read says domestic guineas aren't supposed to have blue heads. Are these wild guineas then? What Don't believe everything you
Don't believe everything you read....I have some that have a whitish colored face, others are blue or very light blue, and since they free range, there's no getting near them either...lol...most domesticated guineas are helmeted, it's the "growth" on the top of their heads which give them that name, some have very large ones, some have very small...there's also tufted guineas which I'd like to add to my flock, vulturine have pretty plumage, but I find them ugly at the same time....guineas can also come in an array of colors, as shown in this link http://www.guineafowl.com/fritsfarm/guineas/colors/ it all depends on the breeders and how they were bred.....some have certain traits bred out of them, while others like to enhance certain traits.....
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My attempts at guinea photography.


My attempts at guinea photography.

You've done better than I can, mine have been free for so long they hide in the brush, I got them for pest control..lol...you have lovely pearl guineas, and if blue is not a color you've seen around than consider yourself very lucky. I have noticed while being a member of BYC that there are many types and colors of birds that are considered rare in different parts of the US that are actually quite common where I live in Canada. Here you can find many colors of guinea with shades from dark blue to white on their faces. I have noticed that the helmets on the darker blues tend to grow taller than on the whites ( or so is the way with mine anyhow). Perhaps you'll end up with some keets later down the line
That's cool that they are so common in Canada. I wish it were less complicated and expensive to import rare eggs or birds across country lines. That would make getting the coolest birds less difficult.

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