What Color Are These Keets???



what do you think of this little one? my buffs actually were darker than this ... so I am
I'd guess that to be a Pied Buff Dundotte, looks a little dark so it could be a Hen (still could be a Pied Brown or Pied cinnamon male too tho
). Since Pearl Grey is dominiant over all colors your Momma Hen must be carrying a recessive tan/buff gene to be making these cute babies, yay!

Tips for ID'n Pieds:
Typical Pied markings are a narrower width of the head stripe pattern (possibly a set or 2 of the narrow stripes completely missing) and more white on the sides of the face, plus there will be white on the wings (usually not all the way to the shoulders, unless they are really really Pied). They develop the white chest as they feather out, 'til then usually most keets (fully pearled and partially pearled keets of all colors anyway) have an off white/cream colored throat/chest/belly area.

Can you post some more pics of your other tan gene keets now that they are older? I wanna see how they are feathering out!

I went back and compared the head colors on this keet, with the pics of the older keets you posted from your previous hatches...very similar! Have you heard any of the older keets if this color buck-wheating yet? I'm really curious if my guesses were right on the money or not, lol (so far they have been, with all my tan/buff gene keets).
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