What color are YOUR Easter Egger's eggs?

My 2 year old Easter Egger had always laid brown eggs for some reason. My Easter Egger pullet hasn't started yet but I am crossing my fingers for green. :fl
Two more EEs laying! This is a mix up of all my girls' eggs. I have EEs (Americanas), Comets, and a Welsummer. She's the one with the speckled egg. Today I even found an "EYEBALL EGG!!!". I don't know what happened to it but I found it this afternoon in their play castle tower.


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My Easter Egger lays a light green egg (left in this picture, followed by a BO egg, and an OE egg). I thought I lucked out as her first couple eggs were more blue than green but her brown ink cartridge just hadn’t kicked in yet...either way, it’s gorgeous to me and adds some variety to my basket...and it just means I get to add more birds down the road to get my true blue layer. ;)

I'm so jealous of all the pinkish eggs on here.. I'm tempted to get 'lorps to try and add that color to our collection. We actually made a whole video on our Easter Egger egg colors, laying ages, and their progress at 8 months old. I swear this is the most fun breed!

I'm going to follow this thread - my EE pullet has been looking at the nests, and wallowing around trying them out, but no egg yet. She's a hatchery EE, so I'm crossing fingers for blue or green! Any day now!
Forgot to update, since it wasn't a jump for joy thing. She did start laying, way back in January, but it was a light cream color of brown. This just means I have to get more chickens, right?
Hi J'freak! I have those "Americanas" too! All six have nice fluffy muffs. Do yours? I discovered the Americanas are Hoover Hatchery's version of the EE, crossing an Ameraucana and Araucana. Mine are just about to start laying as they are presently squatting when approached so it won't be long! Check back with me in a week or so and I'll let you what colors of eggs they're laying.
Here are three of the six I have.

That is the way I like Easter Eggers to look. That is with nice fluffy muffs!!

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