What color cochin is this?


9 Years
Jul 3, 2010
Quitman, Texas
I think she is likely a mix of different colored cochins and would like to know best guess as to what the colors are. Regardless, I just love her.

Thanks for any guesses.
Actually, I have a mille fleur project flock going and she is in it... she looks nothing like the rest of my hens, though. Will be curious how her offspring come out!
That's about as nice a compliment as one could get. Thank you! Gonna hang onto her for a bit and see what she and Rupert can manage together. Hopefully some darn cute chicks!
haha, it's the opposite of a Tolbunt!

Not sure, but obviously has some mottled genes in there. Perhaps Partridge x mottled?
She is very pretty. I don't know what you'd call that color either. She's got some partridge markings going on with mottling. Mottled partridge? Is it possible that she's the mom of the little chick you asked about?
I do see the mottling. Her feather colors were just interesting to me. Actually she is just a pullet. Hasn't even laid her first egg yet, and was only put in with our roo just a few days ago. Thanks to everyone for all the nice comments about her.

She needs her own little friend, the four sisters are kind of snubbing her in the flock and it's pitiful to see. Since I have no one close in age ready to go in that pen and befriend her it looks like I'm going to be pullet shopping soon. Yay!!!
I do see the mottling. Her feather colors were just interesting to me. Actually she is just a pullet. Hasn't even laid her first egg yet, and was only put in with our roo just a few days ago. Thanks to everyone for all the nice comments about her.

She needs her own little friend, the four sisters are kind of snubbing her in the flock and it's pitiful to see. Since I have no one close in age ready to go in that pen and befriend her it looks like I'm going to be pullet shopping soon. Yay!!!

I have a few Bantam Cochin pullets her age that would love to be her friends and playmates. Why not just sent her on up north?

You should post her pic over on the Cochin thread and see if anyone can help identify her background:
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