What color eggs does your chicken lay?

So, I saw, and tended to the egg and it was green, the pic that I posted is the growing chicken that hatched from a green egg. Is she or is she not, a Lavendar Orpington?
I am not sure this comment was sent, but with my question, and story I sent a picture of the chicken that hatched from a aqua/greenish egg. Look at the pic for me, and tell me, is she is is she not a Lavendar Orpington?
So, I saw, and tended to the egg and it was green, the pic that I posted is the growing chicken that hatched from a green egg. Is she or is she not, a Lavendar Orpington?

As was said before, if it hatched from a green egg, there is no possible way it's any color of Orpington. Doesn't matter what the bird looks like. An Orpington does not lay a green egg, ever. Therefore, the mother of your bird ws not an Orpington. Therefore, your bird is not an Orpington.

Most likely, this is a cross-bred bird. If it lays green eggs, then it might be an Easter Egger.
Mine were laying brown and green eggs till about a month ago, then the color changed to camo or invisible, cuz I can't find any of their eggs.

Here is a picture of 8 of my 9 chicken eggs and you can see the difference in color:

AW-->Austra White (white)
EE-->Easter Egger (light green)
SS-->Speckled Sussex (very light brown)
BO-->Buff Orpington (very light brown)
JG-->Jersey Giants (traditional brown egg)
BSL-->Black Sex Link (traditional brown egg)
GSL-->Gold Sex Link (darker brown egg)
My Leghorns lay white eggs.
My Arcona lays white eggs.
My Rhode Island Red lays brown eggs.
My Orpingtons lay brown eggs.
My Americauna lays green eggs.
My Red Sex-Link lays speckled brown eggs.
My Black Sex-Links haven't laid yet.
My Barred Rocks haven't laid yet.

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