What color have some of you painted your coop

we are just starting our new coop-(my husband calls it the chicken palace) and I am trying to decide if I want to go artsy or stay with the colors here on the farm---we live in a couple of old 1800's log homes we moved to the farm and redone. I don't want it to look like it doesn't belong-maybe do a little something with the trim that would make it pop. I will definitely post pics!!! Everyones looks great!!!! What we do for our girls!!!!!
It took begging to get my dad to build me this!! Its not done all the way though. The mini coop thing inside of it is for my two 5 week old chicks so the chickens can get use to each other. :)



Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex :

I just found my paint last night. Since it was RAINING in JULY I stayed in to inventory my paint and decide what colors to use on my new coop.

As soon as I read this I knew you were from Oregon! That seems to be a big complaint right now!​
I painted my coop to match my home but added a fun trim color to make it unique. My coop is a tranquil cream and the door and windows are painted purple! It blends perfectly with my neighborhood but has a little touch of spice!
My coop came already colored....its a little tikes playhouse converted into a coop...its white with red and blue accents. So I guess you could say my chickens are patriotic

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