What color OEGB is Tyson?


11 Years
May 19, 2008
Cedar Creek, TX
This is Tyson, my dear, sweet OEGB roo. I've been searching all over, looking at pics of this breed to try to figure out what color he is and I just cannot find another that looks like him. He is about 16 wks old, and his color still seems to be developing. He started out as a plain little gray/brown chick with a light colored body and a slightly darker head. For a long time he was just a dull, solid grayish tan, then he started growing in all of these pretty roos feathers. I LOVE the way he looks, but I just wanted to know if the color has a name and, if so, what it is.



Yeah, he is a cutie. I can't get over how such a tiny roo can have such a big personality. He is currently the head roo over the flock, and he is very protective of his ladies (even the ones that are way too big for him). He watches the sky and lets out alarm calls to warn them of danger, and if I pick up one of 'his' hens and she squawks, he comes running and yells at me.

He is not aggressive or anything, so he doesn't actually attack, he just runs up looking all indignant and yelling at you. Then he stands around giving you the stink eye until you put the hen back down. So terrifying!
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I'm pretty sure he is not lemon blue, his back does look kind of yellow in the light of the coop but it's more beige in regular light, and he looks a little blue there, but in reality his base color doesn't really have any blue in it (not to my eye anyway).

I would describe the base color as a grey/brown (taupe). Then, he has lighter beige lacing around a lot of his feathers (especially on his chest and neck). Not too long ago I noticed some darker, golden brown feathers coming in on his shoulders and the tops of his wings.

From looking at pics of other OEGBs, I thought his pattern looked kind of like the birchens, but I've never seen a tan one before.

What is a blue brassyback? Do you have any pics of those?
I googled "blue brassy back" and did find one that looked very similar to tyson here:


Most of the ones I found were too blue to be a match though. I also found one called a Fawn Silver Duckwing that seems like a perfect match here:


Of course, this one is a show quality bird that is fully mature, but he does have the dun color that Tyson has...I wonder if this is what Tyson will look like when he is fully mature?
He looks more like a blue brassyback than a fawn silver duckwing. He's likely a cross, not necessarily of different breeds, just different varieties.
Yep, he came from the feed store, so that means he is hatchery stock and therefore PQ. I just wanted a general idea of what to call his color, since I had been unable to find it in pics on the web. I wanted to see what an adult bird looked like so I could get an idea of how he would look when he finally finished changing.

From looking at the pics, he seems to share a lot of his color with the fawn silver duckwings, but he has the golden brown on his back like the blue brassy backs...mebbe I will just call him my fawn brassy back, then.

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