What color rooster over purebred BO hen makes buff colored chicks?

chickNjake, nicalandia, HappyMtn, thank you thank you thank you! You just made my day. I was so disappointed that I had heard I would need a white rooster,(I have no pure white roosters, just Columbian Wyandottes) but now that I know I can get buff look-a-likes by breeding this hen with a red rooster, I will surely do that. (Maybe I'll wait and see if I can get this hen up and running first)

chickNjake, she's been acting like this for over 2 months. I think it was mainly the toll that all the young roosters were taking on her by over breeding her. She has been separated for 1 month and lays maybe 2 eggs a week. And thank you again

nicalandia, thank you for the info on colors and genetics. I will most certainly try breeding her to a RIR mix.

HappyMtn, yay
. We like getting lots of eggs and I love sweet tempered chickens. (I like ginger colored chickens too) As for my hen, she's definitely not broody. She just plain doesn't act broody. I'm going to look into keeping her very clean and giving her lots of fresh and tasty treats to see if that will help her. What can I give her that will help grow her feathers back faster? And yeah she could be unhappy..but I don't know how to fix that. I guess I could take her out and see if she still hides in the boxes.

Good idea about the ladder thanks, I'll have to try that. (We just so happen to have an old ladder hanging about) I really hope that my other hen (Not the buff, the one that does free-range but doesn't lay) will use the ladder instead of the boxes for sleeping.

luvarabhorses, cool design. I know which boxes she normally sleeps in so maybe I'll have to try that idea and block them off. Thanks!

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