What colour is this mystery call duck?


5 Years
Jun 5, 2014
Hi guys so yesterday I bought two call ducklings that are meant to be chocolate bibbed one of them is but the other is more of a chocolate silvery colour. What could it be?

They are beautiful don't think the lady had any khakis though I think she'd had chocolAte bib pair white pair black bibbed hen. One Cayuga and one mallard call cross but she said she separated the call eggs? Do you think she could have made a mistake and it is part mallard? There are the parents missing one white
Yeah, I wouldn't expect a khaki call from those color call ducks.
My guess is that it's a lighter marked chocolate that will end up feathering as a chocolate, or it is mixed. You will know if it's mixed once fully grown as it would likely be bigger in size and have a longer bill
i raise muscovies but I'm pretty good with color genetics so see i have this female muscovy that looked like that baby but maybe a little lighter when she was a baby. She turned out to be blue fawn, and her chocolate slowly faded as she goes through molt in winter and it comes back around spring molt. So you could have a blue fawn, sometimes colors change, like a barred muscovy duck is yellow when its born then turns black as an adult. So I'm sorry if i didn't really help but i just saw th color and matched it to one of my experiences. i hope it helps!
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