What colours/genetic things can you tell me about these roosters?


6 Years
Nov 4, 2017
I am trying to learn a little about genetics(if knowing just a little is possible!) so I can breed my flock to suit me.
I kept 2 mixed roos from this year (6 months old), and I have one 3 yr old roo. These are my only mixed breed roosters, and I was hoping someone could shed some light on what sort of genetics are likely to be in each bird.

#1 Shaggy

Hatched out of a cream/tan egg. (purchased from local chicken owner). I was told his dad was a pea combed black beauty (she said Americauna) but he wasn't.
His mom would've likely been a Speckled Sussex.

Green legs, small beard and muffs, and is that a modified pea comb. What sort of plumage would he pass to his offspring?
shaggy0.JPG shaggy1.JPG shaggy2.JPG shaggy3.JPG shaggy4.JPG

#2 Black Beard (below)

I think he hatched out of a blue or green egg from one of my EE hens. What kind of plumage would he pass on? His dad is either RUSTY (#3 below)or potential sire photos below...
Blackbeard1.jpg Blackbeard2.jpg Blackbeard3.jpg Blackbeard.jpg Snowman.jpg Goldwing.jpg
snowman potential sire of #2 Goldwing other potential sire of #2


He's my 3 yr old rooster. Got bad frostbite 2 years ago and his giant single comb (that he got from his CLB dad) fell off. I've always wondered if his mom is a Welsummer or a Buff Orpington. Rusty1.jpg Rusty.jpg

So if anyone could offer any insights as to what genetics these guys will pass on to offspring- or ways in which I could breed them with my flock.... I have EE, Welsummer, CLB, Marans, Lav Orpington.

I have found a really neat chicken plumage genetics calculator- but I have no idea how to fill it in using my roosters!!!
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#1 is splash with red leakage. He isn’t duckwing. He isn’t a black ameraucana x speckled sussex, either. Both those birds have black, so they couldn’t have splash offspring. To breed a splash chicken, the cross would need to be-
Blue x blue
Splash x blue
Or splash x splash
Keep in mind that his parents wouldn’t have had to be solid blue/splash, but would’ve had to just have blue/splash.
Due to his unknown parentage, the look of his offspring is rather unpredictable.
However, I can make some general educated guesses. His offspring will likely be solidly colored blue or splash, blue/splash with red leakage, or red with blue/splash tail feathers. If crossed to a silver hen, his male offspring would have yellowish-silver leakage or be yellowish-silver with red/splash tail feathers. That’s because they would be gold/silver split. His female offspring would not inherit the silver gene.
His offspring could lay green eggs.
Here are some things I know for sure- if he does have a modified pea comb, crossed to a single combed hen would result in 50% modified pea combs and 50% single combs. If crossed to a hen with black, all his offspring would have blue in the place of black. If crossed to a blue hen, 50% would be blue and 50% would be splash. If crossed to a splash hen, all his offspring would be splash.

#2 appears to be blue gold/silver duckwing. His father is likely the fist blue barred rooster with silver leakage (unless none of your EE hens have feathered legs, then his sire would be the other EE). Being mixed with EE, again, his offspring will likely be a bit unpredictable. Assuming that he is a messy duckwing, his male offspring would likely have leakage on the chest (especially if crossed to solid red or silver hens) or minimal leakage on the hackles, shoulders, and/or saddles (if crossed to solid or mostly solid black/blue/splash hens). His female offspring would likely have patterning on their backs and on their chest (especially if crossed to solid red or silver hens) or be solid or mostly black/blue/splash with leakage (if crossed to solid or mostly solid black/blue/splashes).
He could have silver or red/gold female offspring and silver, red/gold, or gold/silver split male offspring. If crossed to a black hen, you’ll get 50% black and 50% blue. If crossed to a blue hen, you’ll get 50% blue, 25% splash, and 25% black. If crossed to a splash hen, you’ll get 50% blue and 50% splash.

#3 has a single copy of the barring gene with a messy gold duckwing pattern. His mother couldn’t have been a welsummer, because he would have a much clearer duckwing pattern with a lot less gold leakage. However, if his mother was a buff Orpington I would expect pink legs (pink legs, which orps have, are dominant over yellow legs). Are you sure he couldn’t have had another red breed for a mother, such as a rhode island red or a New Hampshire red? It’ll be much easier for me to determine what sort of offspring he could have if I knew his exact parentage.
#1 is splash with red leakage. He isn’t duckwing. He isn’t a black ameraucana x speckled sussex, either. Both those birds have black, so they couldn’t have splash offspring. To breed a splash chicken, the cross would need to be-
Blue x blue
Splash x blue
Or splash x splash
Keep in mind that his parents wouldn’t have had to be solid blue/splash, but would’ve had to just have blue/splash.
Due to his unknown parentage, the look of his offspring is rather unpredictable.
However, I can make some general educated guesses. His offspring will likely be solidly colored blue or splash, blue/splash with red leakage, or red with blue/splash tail feathers. If crossed to a silver hen, his male offspring would have yellowish-silver leakage or be yellowish-silver with red/splash tail feathers. That’s because they would be gold/silver split. His female offspring would not inherit the silver gene.
His offspring could lay green eggs.
Here are some things I know for sure- if he does have a modified pea comb, crossed to a single combed hen would result in 50% modified pea combs and 50% single combs. If crossed to a hen with black, all his offspring would have blue in the place of black. If crossed to a blue hen, 50% would be blue and 50% would be splash. If crossed to a splash hen, all his offspring would be splash.

#2 appears to be blue gold/silver duckwing. His father is likely the fist blue barred rooster with silver leakage (unless none of your EE hens have feathered legs, then his sire would be the other EE). Being mixed with EE, again, his offspring will likely be a bit unpredictable. Assuming that he is a messy duckwing, his male offspring would likely have leakage on the chest (especially if crossed to solid red or silver hens) or minimal leakage on the hackles, shoulders, and/or saddles (if crossed to solid or mostly solid black/blue/splash hens). His female offspring would likely have patterning on their backs and on their chest (especially if crossed to solid red or silver hens) or be solid or mostly black/blue/splash with leakage (if crossed to solid or mostly solid black/blue/splashes).
He could have silver or red/gold female offspring and silver, red/gold, or gold/silver split male offspring. If crossed to a black hen, you’ll get 50% black and 50% blue. If crossed to a blue hen, you’ll get 50% blue, 25% splash, and 25% black. If crossed to a splash hen, you’ll get 50% blue and 50% splash.

#3 has a single copy of the barring gene with a messy gold duckwing pattern. His mother couldn’t have been a welsummer, because he would have a much clearer duckwing pattern with a lot less gold leakage. However, if his mother was a buff Orpington I would expect pink legs (pink legs, which orps have, are dominant over yellow legs). Are you sure he couldn’t have had another red breed for a mother, such as a rhode island red or a New Hampshire red? It’ll be much easier for me to determine what sort of offspring he could have if I knew his exact parentage.
UM. WOW. I'll need a few read thru's of that!! That's a whole lot of info! Thanks..

Yes, I do have some hens with feathers on their feet/legs, so Snowman could very well be #2's dad...

#3's mom would have to be in these photos below. A barnevelder, Buff Orpington, 3 Easter Eggers. The only single comb would be Barnevelder and Buff Orpington...(grey hen in background was lost to coyote before she laid).


  • phoenix_big_red.jpg
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  • phoenix_little_Hawk_Zucchini.JPG
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I would like to achieve colours like this... which rooster would you recommend I breed these hens to?


  • fennel2.jpg
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UM. WOW. I'll need a few read thru's of that!! That's a whole lot of info! Thanks..

Yes, I do have some hens with feathers on their feet/legs, so Snowman could very well be #2's dad...

#3's mom would have to be in these photos below. A barnevelder, Buff Orpington, 3 Easter Eggers. The only single comb would be Barnevelder and Buff Orpington...(grey hen in background was lost to coyote before she laid).
Do you have a picture of the welsummer?

I would like to achieve colours like this... which rooster would you recommend I breed these hens to?
These are your hens, right? I’ll have to think about this.
#1 is splash with red leakage. He isn’t duckwing. He isn’t a black ameraucana x speckled sussex, either. Both those birds have black, so they couldn’t have splash offspring. To breed a splash chicken, the cross would need to be-
Blue x blue
Splash x blue
Or splash x splash
Keep in mind that his parents wouldn’t have had to be solid blue/splash, but would’ve had to just have blue/splash.
Due to his unknown parentage, the look of his offspring is rather unpredictable.
However, I can make some general educated guesses. His offspring will likely be solidly colored blue or splash, blue/splash with red leakage, or red with blue/splash tail feathers. If crossed to a silver hen, his male offspring would have yellowish-silver leakage or be yellowish-silver with red/splash tail feathers. That’s because they would be gold/silver split. His female offspring would not inherit the silver gene.
His offspring could lay green eggs.
Here are some things I know for sure- if he does have a modified pea comb, crossed to a single combed hen would result in 50% modified pea combs and 50% single combs. If crossed to a hen with black, all his offspring would have blue in the place of black. If crossed to a blue hen, 50% would be blue and 50% would be splash. If crossed to a splash hen, all his offspring would be splash.

#2 appears to be blue gold/silver duckwing. His father is likely the fist blue barred rooster with silver leakage (unless none of your EE hens have feathered legs, then his sire would be the other EE). Being mixed with EE, again, his offspring will likely be a bit unpredictable. Assuming that he is a messy duckwing, his male offspring would likely have leakage on the chest (especially if crossed to solid red or silver hens) or minimal leakage on the hackles, shoulders, and/or saddles (if crossed to solid or mostly solid black/blue/splash hens). His female offspring would likely have patterning on their backs and on their chest (especially if crossed to solid red or silver hens) or be solid or mostly black/blue/splash with leakage (if crossed to solid or mostly solid black/blue/splashes).
He could have silver or red/gold female offspring and silver, red/gold, or gold/silver split male offspring. If crossed to a black hen, you’ll get 50% black and 50% blue. If crossed to a blue hen, you’ll get 50% blue, 25% splash, and 25% black. If crossed to a splash hen, you’ll get 50% blue and 50% splash.

#3 has a single copy of the barring gene with a messy gold duckwing pattern. His mother couldn’t have been a welsummer, because he would have a much clearer duckwing pattern with a lot less gold leakage. However, if his mother was a buff Orpington I would expect pink legs (pink legs, which orps have, are dominant over yellow legs). Are you sure he couldn’t have had another red breed for a mother, such as a rhode island red or a New Hampshire red? It’ll be much easier for me to determine what sort of offspring he could have if I knew his exact parentage.
Welp, you make my job easy, but I appreciate the tag, @chickenlittle21

I would like to achieve colours like this... which rooster would you recommend I breed these hens to?
I would use Black Beard, though Blue Beard might be a more appropriate name. ;)

He's my 3 yr old rooster. Got bad frostbite 2 years ago and his giant single comb (that he got from his CLB dad) fell off. I've always wondered if his mom is a Welsummer or a Buff Orpington.
This is baffling. A buff Orpington seems right, but he should have a copy of dilute, which he clearly doesn't have.
Do you have a picture of the welsummer?

These are your hens, right? I’ll have to think about this.
I will post photos of my 3 welsummers. But I recall now that they can't be Rusty's mom. Rusty hatched April 4 2018, and I got the day old Welsummers May 1 of 2018. I have baby photos of Rusty. He's pale orange all over. I owned 7 hens at the time- Barnevelder, 3 Easter Eggers(slate legs, blue eggs, pea comb, beards and muffs) one buff orpington and one marans.

Yes, they are my hens.
I will post photos of my 3 welsummers. But I recall now that they can't be Rusty's mom. Rusty hatched April 4 2018, and I got the day old Welsummers May 1 of 2018. I have baby photos of Rusty. He's pale orange all over. I owned 7 hens at the time- Barnevelder, 3 Easter Eggers(slate legs, blue eggs, pea comb, beards and muffs) one buff orpington and one marans.

Yes, they are my hens.
He must be from the Orpington, then (right, @Amer ?). Assuming that’s the case, his offspring will have a lot of red, and some might turn out to have a messy duckwing sort of pattern, because of his legbar parent. Female offspring could have some duckwing patterning on their backs and chest. If bred to a silver hen, his male offspring will be gold/silver split (appearing mostly silver). Half of his offspring will be barred.

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