What consitutes a nervous breakdown?

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Oh yay hypnosis! I love hypnosis. Thank you.

I miss being called baby girl by people. <3

I'm calling the hotline in about 2 minutes, thank you everone

It's okay, shiva is very Jewish so you'd have to be pretty close to a community to know what it is. It's also a g-d of thunder and lightning, which doesn't help.
I agree, it sounds like PTSD. I was involved in hurricane Katrina and then 10 days later a horrific car wreck. Even though you can't leave your house right now find someone to talk to that will listen. You may find yourself telling the same stories over and over, do it. The nightmares will gradually drop off. Once you can get out, see a doctor. Time is the greatest healer just don't bottle it up. I am sorry for your loss. Blessings to you and yours.
I am not sure what Shiva is but can you see a naturopath or herbalist maybe.

I also do not understand why you cannot see a doctor, although I am not Jewish and therefore do not know all the rituals of shiva; nevertheless, would someone in mourning not be allowed to see the doctor if they were having a heart attack or uncontrollable fever? Your physical need for diagosis and medical assistance are no less. Somehow beuing unable to see a doctor during mournng does not sound right. Please check with your rabbi for guidance on maintaining your health while mourning according to ritual.
It could be as "simple" as depression. Simple meaning not PTSD or OCD type thing.
Depression can show it's face in so many forms it's ridiculous.
I hope whatever it is, you get past it soon and feel happy again.
Feeling sad all of the time sucks, to put it bluntly.
I am not sure what Shiva is but can you see a naturopath or herbalist maybe.

I also do not understand why you cannot see a doctor, although I am not Jewish and therefore do not know all the rituals of shiva; nevertheless, would someone in mourning not be allowed to see the doctor if they were having a heart attack or uncontrollable fever? Your physical need for diagosis and medical assistance are no less. Somehow beuing unable to see a doctor during mournng does not sound right. Please check with your rabbi for guidance on maintaining your health while mourning according to ritual.

You're allowed to leave shiva for a heart attack of course... life or death situations override all Jewish laws. Thankfully this is not one of those times.
I spoke to a lovely woman named Georgia on the hotline who helped. PTSD is what it appears to be though I will need a doctor confirmation after shiva. She understood my desire to hold shiva and didn't think I needed immediate help. She calmed me down considerably. She gave me some useful information and numbers.

I will be okay.
Just read most of the posts re: your condition. I feel for you as you have been through so much and I wish you much power, wisdom and healing. You are a great person and with time and knowledge you will be just as good as you were before.

My thoughts are with you
Yes, you will be ok. You are only human and some of the stuff that goes along with PTSD is actually for self preservation. You're a smart girl; you'll get past it and be just fine. Let me know if the little guided meditation helped you; I just love that one...
My thoughts are with you. As someone who as gone through PTSD, you are doing what your mind needs to be doing. Time is your best friend right now. As you end Shiva visiting your dr. is most important. If you can, please try to see a therapist. Talking & re-talking are going to push you forward & healing can kick in.
Hang in there sister. You can do it & you will be stronger when you start moving forward.
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