What could be wrong with this quail? Her eggs always look like this...

Feb 17, 2021
I have a Celadon hen that hatched in March and her eggs ALWAYS look like this. She eats and drinks normal (the same feed as everyone else - gamebird mash with 26% protein)
She gets regular fresh veggies/fruits and gets crushed egg shells for extra calcium.
She look healthy but her eggs always have a thin rough textured shell with 1 spot that is kind of like a jelly egg.
They are almost always crushed/cracked before we collect them... so we don't eat them.

I am just not sure what else I need to be checking with her. What else could it be? 20210719_210322.jpg 20210719_210314.jpg 20210719_210318.jpg
Egg drop 76 virus. Verify with veterinarian first. Culling every bird is only treatment. Deep disinfect all equipment then let sit empty 30 days.
Egg drop 76 virus. Verify with veterinarian first. Culling every bird is only treatment. Deep disinfect all equipment then let sit empty 30 days.
Same as the other thread you put this on it hasn’t been replied to in 2 years and the op hasn’t logged on in over a year

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