What could it be?


Mar 24, 2016
I bought eggs from MyPetChicken. One labeled "fun & funky" hatched. The paper read like it was an EE, and she does look like one of MTV EEs I hatched, however, i just now noticed she has 5 toes. I've had silkies; but the 5th toe was in a different spot. I could be remembering wrong.

Any guesses as to what breed this is? Do you think she has muffs?





One of the options on their site says silchen, which I assume is a silkie Cochin cross, which would be my guess.
I will definitely update the post as she grows older.
I don't think it's a salmon faverolle because I got some of those too. Unfortunately, neither hatched.

On the paper MPC sends, they circled Easter Egger. Don't recall if Silchen was on the paper, but it's on their website as a possible breed (as well as silchen). This will be an interesting story to watch unfold!

Silkies are the only breed with 5 toes, right? So whatever she is, there is a Silkie gene.

Stay tuned!
I don't think so. Here's what the website says for "fun and funky":

Possible Fun and Funky Genes: Crested, Frizzle, Sizzle, Naked Neck, Silkied
Possible Breeds: Easter Egger, Cochin, Silkies, Polish, Silchen, Seramas, etc.

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