What could she be?


5 Years
Mar 6, 2014
Beaverton, OR
Was sold to me as a cuckoo marans pullet. She does have a dark wash on her legs- I tried to get at least one shot of them



Yes...I think it could be a Cuckoo Marans...right leg color (more white/pink than yellow with black wash)...hard to tell pattern yet as too young...but the body shot indicates she has the taller stance of a Marans.

Time will tell when the pattern comes in....crisp barring means a Barred Rock; messy looking black/white should be your Cuckoo.

Lady of McCamley

EDITED TO ADD: but hatchery quality stock often doesn't follow all the breed rules
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thanks for the guesses! I also heard Dominiquer from a friend, but time will tell Im sure. Im just hoping that she is still a she, her feathers seem to be coming in as fast as everyone elses too
Dominiques will have rose combs with yellow legs, I believe. If the legs are pinkish white and they have a single comb, then they are cuckoo marans. I, too, just got some a while back and they can be confusing. Usually light colored ones with distinct barring (you'll see as they feather out) are boys
hmmm she has a wash to her legs so maybe not a dominique...It will be fun to watch her grow though! And she definitely does seem more black on her back and wings.

I also wanted to mention that she acts a lot differently than my two australorps and EE, is that a breed thing? or maybe a gender indicator?
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If the legs are pink/white with the black wash, then that's normal. My cuckoos are really skiddish, so it might be a breed thing, though I'm not positive of that. It might just be that you have a bird with a different attitude :p

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