What did you crave when you were pregnant?


10 Years
Mar 18, 2009
Im craving onion rings and breaded tenderloins, but with both my girls it was fruit and popsicles.... so maybe this is a boy?
DS #1- chicken fingers, chicken nuggets, chicken sandwiches and coffee milkshakes

DS #2- sherbet ice cream...preferable Raspberry.

DD #1- Bagels and Pancakes with peanut butter. (they were really the only things I could keep down for 9 months...)
I craved something different for all three of my boys. During the last pregnancy I could not touch salad. Still have a hard time with it.

Good luck!
yea I figured it was just because. None of those old wives tales work.... I just have a feeling its a boy. And its not that I want one, I honestly dont care as long as its healthy, thats all I really want. But Id like for my husband to have a boy, I know that would just make his day.
With DS, anything I saw on TV (Red Lobster commercials were killer!) Strangely, I didn't want ice cream as often, and I love ice cream.
So far with #2, no cravings at all, but the thought of red sauces made me feel ill for a while in the beginning.
Hot Fudge Sundaes!

When I could keep them down.

24/7 Morning?? sickness.

I always lost weight when I was pregnant.
LOL! This thread cracked me up because I'm pregnant right now too (23 weeks) and I was having the most intense pecan pie craving right when I saw this thread! But for the most part with me it's french fries and anything with tomatoes, hot peppers and onions. I could literally eat a bowl of pico de gallo every day with a spoon and a big smile. What can I say, the kid likes tomatoes and onions!
LOL, evertime I get sick I tell my husband well he doesnt like "this". I got sick almost everday the first 3 months, Im almost 16 weeks.

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