What did you do in the garden today?

DARK DARK DARK and damp out. I'll take it. Although it's making me SO SLEEPY. We aren't used to dark and cloudy here, even in the wintertime. I was ready for bed last night, until I saw it was only 7pm. It felt like 9. UGH.

I have another bucket of tomatoes. I'll troll the garden again today before I get out the kitchenaid puree thingy to make tomato puree to freeze.

Or maybe I'll make puree and then tomorrow add spices and simmer it down to pizza sauce. Ya, probably that. Apple picking and peach picking just started here. I'm waiting for the Rosalee apples. MY ALL TIME favorites. THOSE I will preserve and dry. (cross between a honeycrisps and fuji TART and sweet and crisp like an old style pippin)

The hotwire is up for the dumb, but delicious, calves, as well as a higher fence. Yesterday we took care of some snow on the mountain, velvet leaf, and a giant thistle that got by me (but that I caught before it went to seed).

Hens are mad because I won't let them out, it feels foxy out.

I need to work on my etsy page, but DH needs to go to town to get his flu shot and we'll dump the recycling off while we're down there. I'll grab some more fabric for pillowcases as long as I'm burning petrol.

If I get back in time I'll do Norwegian meatballs for dinner, otherwise that's tomorrow, and will do hamburgers tonight.

They hay STILL isn't cut and baled. I need three days without rain!
I picked a ton of half ripe tomatoes today & came across some giant cukes that were hiding. More cukes than I want to pickle so I googled cucumber bread - it's a thing! Ha!

Just took out the first 2 loaves or cucumber lemon & have 5 more mins on the cucumber carrot & ginger loaves.

Tastes just like zucchini bread.

I also hooked my stove up to wireless so i get a notification when its done. LMAO, love technology.
I picked a ton of half ripe tomatoes today & came across some giant cukes that were hiding. More cukes than I want to pickle so I googled cucumber bread - it's a thing! Ha!

Just took out the first 2 loaves or cucumber lemon & have 5 more mins on the cucumber carrot & ginger loaves.

Tastes just like zucchini bread.

I also hooked my stove up to wireless so i get a notification when its done. LMAO, love technology.
You can make soup out of them too! I went to my basement to put my waffles in the freezer and OMG! The freezer is full. I still haven’t put the rest of the meat I bought yesterday in there. Thank goodness for the impending Labor Day sales. I ordered a 14 cubic foot upright from HD. It will be here on Friday. It was on sale for a $200 price cut. I’ll have plenty of room to freeze my green beans now. My first batch of tomato sauce is cooking down right now. Fun times. Enjoy the cucumber bread!
decided on Norwegian Meatballs for supper. Time consuming, but worth it.
I'll do the pizza sauce tomorrow.

It's supposed to storm and rain all night and into tomorrow, so I'll work on the loom, work on the etsy shop, and simmer sauce tomorrow. Chores, besides the most basic, will have to wait until Tuesday, which is also declutter the world day!

(Rubbish day is Wednesday.)

I put up some nice high, heavy duty shelving in the back of the storage area on the lower level. I also installed some nice and bright LED shop lights instead of those creepy one bulb every ten feet sockets! LOL. It was dark down there, I was always waiting for a spider to ask me the password to get in the room.

Now I can see to work. I want to get some boxes and wrap and box up my excess canning jars. There is NO reason to have them all out on the shelves empty. I'll store them in labeled boxes and get them when I need them. I'll leave a few out for quick canning this winter.

Which reminds me that those screw on lids will be going on sale soon. Must get more.

OH. I need to go walk the garden! Back later! I hope everyone is having a great day!
I canned 6 half pints of Jalapeno Peach salsa, made a peach cobbler.
For dinner I put a pork loin in the crock pot and poured a half pint of Peach chipotle jam
(that didn't set up all the way) over the top of it and added a half cup of chicken broth to the bottom of the crock pot. Set the crock pot on high for 4 hours. Oh, my gosh! It turned out so good!! :love I served it with a side of the peach jalapeno salsa ( had a cup of it leftover). Yummy!
Just checked the garden ( It was chilly and very rainy most of the day today). I got another cucumber, about a half pound of pole beans (they are flatter than the bush beans) and about a dozen half ripe cherry tomatoes.
My hubby fixed the chainsaw ( he did put the chain on backwards!) but I haven't tried it out yet. He also sharpened the cutting blades of the pruners and got bigger bolts to fix it ( hopefully) as well.
I was always waiting for a spider to ask me the password to get in the room.

Lol. In our last home (traditional suburban 2 story with a finished basement), and we ended up telling our oldest child a spider “tale”. It was fall, closing in on Christmas gift giving and the wrapping supplies and presents were in the basement. Kid was around 9 and beginning to question things, and we didn’t want child to investigate the lower level for presents, not to mention kid was never in danger of being called “neat” or “organized”. We told child that we had “trained spiders” in the basement....child was young enough to believe us *sort of *... there was enough plausibility that child did not go downstairs, but enough disbelief to not have nightmares or anything. Child (now an adult) has since shared this story with others, adding “I can’t believe you told me that”. Our response: “it worked, you left the basement alone, and you didn’t have nightmares -problem solved”.
I was discussing canning with my neighbor, and he said something that REALLY SURPRISED ME.:old He seals his jars not in a hot water bath, on stove, but in his 'dishwasher" He lets it run a cycle, and said it is about one hour or so. The water is hot, and it gets heated with the electric element even more. Lets the washer cool until next day. Does not used soap BTW. Said ALL his jars always sealed nicely.:idunno

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