What did you do in the garden today?

so yestaerday I took it up to silkie there was my my little mud girl there in the corner so popped the peep under her instajnt broody she is so proud of her baby
That is so sweet! Made my heart squeee!
@NewBoots can one ever really have enough manure or dirt? I constantly buy dirt & save the last bit for garden things that pop up later only to find out DH has spread my precious garden soil on the lawn. Every dang time! :rant
You really can't, we've already used up most of what we bought yesterday. But DP's new shady planter behind the house does look nice.
Shade Planter.jpg

It isn't complete yet and the plants will fill out of course. The bottom layer and the top dressing is from the chip pile. Looks right for forest type ferns and other shade lovers. And I still have some of my coir left, steer manure, potting soil and more soil coming from Walmart tomorrow.

Found out today that there's a Tractor Supply close enough to make a day trip of it. About blown the budget on plants and dirt for now but I can't wait to make that trip sooner or later.
@Sueby, nice garden pics! I'd let the sage bloom, bees love it and just cut them once they're spent.
Little chick isn't looking any better, unfortunately. We continue with vitamins and water and food. We won't make a decision yet - we try to get any ill/injured ones better first, but not sure if this one will improve or decline yet.
Congrats on the fortunate high hatch rate and I'm sorry for your little injured one.
Got the grass weed whacked around the raised gardens. Put the rest of the manure in the big run for the chicks to scratch through. Open the bee hive. Finally got stung. 😞
Found out I’m not allergic to bee stings!! 🎉
It was hot out today. Was supposed to get storms this evening but all we got was thunder and lightning.

We are watching storms on the NOAA's weather radar now. Most are south of us but moving north westerly. Then there is a group of storms in Nebraska that is moving to the south east.

Wonder what they will do when they meet?

I'm really pleased with my garden.I kept it small out of respect for my joints and back. My planter tomatoes are doing great as are my onions, green beans, corn and potatoes.

I have two tomatoes and a variety of squash planted in my
'big' garden and they are acting weird. Leaves yellowing, not thriving. I'm not sure if it's the weather, first garden carpy soil or some sort of wilt. I have a second bed of squash up near my chicken run and those plants are doing fantastic so I've been fertilizing the devil out of them and hoping for the best. We have had a wet and chilly spring so I'm wondering if that is a factor and there is a fungal infection hitting them. No blackening areas on the leaves. They just turn yellow and die.
We are watching storms on the NOAA's weather radar now. Most are south of us but moving north westerly. Then there is a group of storms in Nebraska that is moving to the south east.

Wonder what they will do when they meet?

I'm really pleased with my garden.I kept it small out of respect for my joints and back. My planter tomatoes are doing great as are my onions, green beans, corn and potatoes.

I have two tomatoes and a variety of squash planted in my
'big' garden and they are acting weird. Leaves yellowing, not thriving. I'm not sure if it's the weather, first garden carpy soil or some sort of wilt. I have a second bed of squash up near my chicken run and those plants are doing fantastic so I've been fertilizing the devil out of them and hoping for the best. We have had a wet and chilly spring so I'm wondering if that is a factor and there is a fungal infection hitting them. No blackening areas on the leaves. They just turn yellow and die.
I'm IN the Nebraska storms and I think I just lost my whole garden full of tomato plants. NO way they can handle 50 mph winds for the almost hour it's been howling. Morning will tell.


Just to our south the winds are hitting almost 80.

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