What did you do in the garden today?

Well, today I am weeding the tomato and pepper bed and then mulching. Hopefully this will cut down on the amount of time I spend weeding (which is ridiculous, by the way!).

We also have a wasp problem in our back entry/attached greenhouse. We keep our new chicks out there (currently housing 11 Icelandics less than a week old). Anyone have any good wasp killing remedies that will not harm the chicks? I hate to go out and buy something toxic and then have to move the brooder, but that may end up happening.
I'm not sure of a good answer to that; but what i am doing now is putting tuna juice into my wasp traps. Seems to attract them pretty well.
We are having some crazy winds and some of my corn is blowing over. :( Looks like I didn't plant it deep enough, and next year I'll trench and backfill, along with putting some support wires between the rows.

Some of my biggest, purple-est stalks were the first to go. Bummer! Not used to the strong thunderstorms here and will need to do a bit better planning next year.

Yesterday I watered with an epsom salt solution to help combat some yellowing on the tomatoes and peppers. Oh, I also need to test my soil in the spring! (LOL)

So different gardening in New Mexico vs Southern California! Live and learn.
Quote: I love eating sweet potatos!! Yu might see if Sand hill has some. Seems these are hard to produce, or at least the demand is greater than the supply.

Gonna stick a couple more in the ground this morning. Found them in pantry yesterday while storing new potatoes. I had ordered some purple swet potatoe slips. From a Heirloom seed company in Missouri. Got a check back from them 2 months later saying they couldn't fill my order. Along with a dead fig i ordered. Back on topic. I planted some slips in late April. They are still alive but don't seem to be growing what i think they should. Between the rains and the waterings. I have them planted in stacked tires filled with composted dirt and wood shavings and a little manure. I have feed them some organic fertilizer. I imagined viney growth over the edges with these. Any one have a suggestion? Am i just impatient?
Try reading the peice about sweet potatos on the website for sandhill. THey have an indepth article on raising slips in the catalog so I think the info should be there. Might give you some tips.

Not gardening related, but I'm sure a lot of you would appreciate: The other day, I spied some chick-a-dees flitting about a charred horizontal log laying about 10' up in the air, balanced over a burn pile that didn't (burn). Went closer to have a look see. The object of their interest was a hornet nest about 4" in diameter on the underside of the log. they had pecked an opening through the side of it and were harvesting the larvae out of it. The adult residents were not very pleased!
Haahaaa, a tastey treat, if your a bird!! lol
We are having some crazy winds and some of my corn is blowing over. :( Looks like I didn't plant it deep enough, and next year I'll trench and backfill, along with putting some support wires between the rows.

Some of my biggest, purple-est stalks were the first to go. Bummer! Not used to the strong thunderstorms here and will need to do a bit better planning next year.

Yesterday I watered with an epsom salt solution to help combat some yellowing on the tomatoes and peppers. Oh, I also need to test my soil in the spring! (LOL)

So different gardening in New Mexico vs Southern California! Live and learn.

Good of you to note the changes to make for next year. YOu are right every region has its quirks!!
What's a hay nest?
Hay nest is bunch of hay under a squash so it doesn't get soft spots some use clay pots or patio bricks. I picked up one sweet potato plant for .99 to try. Hopeful it grows well all my critters get it baked sweet potatoes in the winter.

Wasp issue I loan you the BC (his union only works for treats must have two rides a day with his head out the window) he spends hours chasing bubble bees and wasp-) I'd do a bait trap bottle sweet with water out a way place (Tip Nut has a DYI on it).

Packing for a working / holiday trip too Sodus, NY furthest I've been away from home in 6 yrs. Everyone stay safe out of the sun.
I pulled some weeds and got ate up by mosquitoes....we've had too much rain! !!!!

Good for the vegetables though.....

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