What did you do in the garden today?

Well, I learned something new: slug dough! Sounds very workable. Today I cultivated around the plants, and now I see quite a few areas where I can put in something else. I had also finished putting up the t-posts and tie wire, so today I started tying the tomatoes to the wire. And then--oh, look--raspberries! Lots of raspberries! I really didn't plan to be out in the sun for so long, but who can resist raspberries? Picked over two cups. The strawberries can wait for another day. Does anyone know whether strawberries peter out after some years. I've babied mine, but they're coming in on the small side. They're planted in the openings of cement blocks alongside the garden bed. Makes it easy to amend, fertilize and water. Can they successfully be restarted from runners, or do I want to get new plants?
Gave the pumpkins hay nests
Then had to run the darn escape artist goats out
Strawberry plants are only good for 4-5 years need to fertilize once a month, runners small pot, staple or use lite rock on runner so it come into contact with potting soil. I grow my everbearing in hanging baskets with rabbit poo potting soil mix over winter them in cellar.
Peppers will never plant them in the garden again, having bumper crop of stage horn, jalapeno from last years potted plants. Bells are in round barrels growing nicely, tomatoes in pots are taller then those in the garden bed.

Old shear curtains work great for covering fruit bearing plants.
Those blasted slugs aren't worth a good sour dough starter -)
Strawberry pepper jam (just pinch of fresh cracked pepper in jam) goat cheese on cracker you got try it!
LOL we love the snakes. Good to see the tiny baby one as I was concerned the chickens would wipe out the beloved garter snakes. About 5 under the plywood. Got them relocated last night to make more space to plant!!

Sweet potato is a kind of winter squash.  Someday I would like to try the real sweet potatos. I read up on them  and they definitely need lots of heat. Which I might not have enough of here; perhaps on an odd year.; SandHilsl had a bit of info on how to calc the amount of heat to grow the sweet potatos.  Too much for me right now.  But someday!!!!!!

What a picture!

OMG, you just reminded me that the grocery has everything reduced to $1 for a 6 cell. Very tempting!!  Just not sure I have room right now. Gotta make space!!

Love me some sweet potatoes. And with our 90+ temps for about five mo a year they go insane. I still have time if I can find some slips. The rain has been wild this year. A couple of days ago there was a 20 percent chance and it stormed with heavy downpour for two hours..

Everybody's garden is puny this year
. Sigh.
Gonna stick a couple more in the ground this morning. Found them in pantry yesterday while storing new potatoes. I had ordered some purple swet potatoe slips. From a Heirloom seed company in Missouri. Got a check back from them 2 months later saying they couldn't fill my order. Along with a dead fig i ordered. Back on topic. I planted some slips in late April. They are still alive but don't seem to be growing what i think they should. Between the rains and the waterings. I have them planted in stacked tires filled with composted dirt and wood shavings and a little manure. I have feed them some organic fertilizer. I imagined viney growth over the edges with these. Any one have a suggestion? Am i just impatient?
Not gardening related, but I'm sure a lot of you would appreciate: The other day, I spied some chick-a-dees flitting about a charred horizontal log laying about 10' up in the air, balanced over a burn pile that didn't (burn). Went closer to have a look see. The object of their interest was a hornet nest about 4" in diameter on the underside of the log. they had pecked an opening through the side of it and were harvesting the larvae out of it. The adult residents were not very pleased!

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