What did you do in the garden today?

Quote: LOL we love the snakes. Good to see the tiny baby one as I was concerned the chickens would wipe out the beloved garter snakes. About 5 under the plywood. Got them relocated last night to make more space to plant!!

Sweet potato is a kind of winter squash. Someday I would like to try the real sweet potatos. I read up on them and they definitely need lots of heat. Which I might not have enough of here; perhaps on an odd year.; SandHill had a bit of info on how to calc the amount of heat to grow the sweet potatos. Too much for me right now. But someday!!!!!!

Harvest time!
What a picture!

The local Mercantile has veggies half off, so I picked up some random things to fill holes in the garden - a lemon cucumber, German Johnson tomato, some Jalapenos (Mucho Nacho and Mammoth) and a Dragon Cayenne. They are leggy, and it's hot, but they were pretty cheap.
OMG, you just reminded me that the grocery has everything reduced to $1 for a 6 cell. Very tempting!! Just not sure I have room right now. Gotta make space!!

Just wanted to show my freaky rose potato that we harvested on our first day. We aren't going to pull any more stalks out thanks to the advice of Lazy Gardener. I pulled some out but transplanted them. The marble and pearl sized potatoes are really nice but I love the full sized Russets baked or zapped. I'm really looking forward to the tomatoes. I planted a mixed seed packed from Seeds Now in Cali. and planted some started ones as well. Unfortunately my New Zealand Spinach has gone to seed or bolted already and hardly any came up. I left one there in hopes of getting a big enough crop but alas... no such luck!
Its getting really warm here for Western WA. I'm still hoping some more veggies will make it and are just a bit slow due to improper depth or something like that, but hey, my Dahlia just opened up and my sea Holy is about to bloom and I've never had any of those before. I love growing flowers and have better luck with them than I do veggies.
I'm drooling over those tomatoes! What a sight! The slugs here got out of hand even with beer traps and diatomaceous earth, so I'm offering them Sluggo. After all some of that mache and Asian greens are for me.
Does any one here have the recipe for slug dough? I had the recipe once, but lost it, and can't find it again. As I recall, it consisted of corn meal, ? flour, molasses, yeast and water. It worked great: the slugs would climb into it and die. Each trap would be full of slugs and slime each morning. The dough smelled like wine. The only draw back to it was that raccoons would come out at night for the slug/wine treats. I imagine it rivaled the finest escargot at the French restaurants!
MeattheFlockers that is a very impressive harvest. I'm green with envy! My maters are just now flowering! Great photo! BLTs anyone? Do you do fried green tomatoes?

Thank you kindly. The tomatoes are getting hard to keep up with. But we try to do our part, BLT's are definitely on the menu a few nights a week. We made sauce and paste over the weekend. I share with work friends as well . They don't seem to mind. :) And yes, now that we are swimming in ripe tomatoes, I will be picking some greenies for frying very soon.
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Does any one here have the recipe for slug dough?  I had the recipe once, but lost it, and can't find it again.  As I recall, it consisted of corn meal, ? flour, molasses, yeast and water.  It worked great:  the slugs would climb into it and die.  Each trap would be full of slugs and slime each morning.  The dough smelled like wine.  The only draw back to it was that raccoons would come out at night for the slug/wine treats.  I imagine it rivaled the finest escargot at the French restaurants!

I've only heard of the beer traps that Bugeye refered too. I think a good yeasty Belgium would work well, same concept as the dough. The yeast and sugar attract them, and then they drowned in it. Sluggo works extremly well for me too. Not sure your stance on it, not technically an organic product, but approved for organic gardening. The chemicals breakdown completely and it's safe around my pets and kids. It's perfectly acceptable in my garden and like it said, it does work.
Lots of weeding-- looking for the chives, and the hot peppers. AND the dino kale hiding around the pepper. Did find a few dino plants. Clearly need to give them their own space.
Yes, I use Sluggo. An other product name is EscarGo. There are also generic ones on the market. But, beware... you want the product that has only Iron Phosphate as the active ingredient. Some of the newer products on the market have some other stuff added that IMO is questionable. Even with Iron Phosphate, I don't like to let the chickens be around until it's completely broken down. Usually not a problem, as I only need it when the garden is actively growing. Even with JUST Iron Phosphate, there are folks out there who say it is not safe around animals as it causes internal bleeding.

Must be really good that you couldnt wait!!! lol I will have to look to see the differences between the male and female flower. . . . . might just consider snagging a couple male flowers!!

The female flower has a small squash at the base of the flower . Male flowers do not . I do mine in a egg wash then cracker crumbs and fry in real butter . Same way I do morel mushrooms . I fry my squash with egg wash and then dry coating then fry . I like Andes or Fryin Magic dry mix . I use oil to fry squash in .
I can't wait to try your recipe jerryse! zucchinis were late going into the ground cause I left it to my "helpers" to plant them on a little sunny slope outside my veggie garden so they would have more space. Blossoms were popping already but I hope they'll continue after transplanting

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