What did you do in the garden today?

Watched the chipmunk!! lol

Planted 15 plus varieties of winter squash and a few summer squash last night. Saw a few more openareas and filled in with MORE squash!! Leon. sweet potato, "Calabaza", blue hubbard, long island cheese; big max, zucchini, summer squah; buter nut, buttercup, and MANY more. Will move the snakes tomorrow from under a large section of plywood, and use that for MORE squash!!
Except for the snake part! How did you plant your sweet potatoes ?
Had a good rain last night. After i shut the water off. It was all needed after 2 days above 100 degrees.
We both worked in garden last evening for a couple hours. We have beans forming now. Will have them coming out our ears soon.
Somethings we planted too much of Rattlesnake beans be one of them. :)
Had a good rain last night. After i shut the water off. It was all needed after 2 days above 100 degrees.
We both worked in garden last evening for a couple hours. We have beans forming now. Will have them coming out our ears soon.
Somethings we planted too much of Rattlesnake beans be one of them. :)

I'm out of Shreveport, LA and the rain has been incessant, I haven't. a planted anything yet. Last year my neighbor got 300 quarts of purple hull peas, this year nothing is in the ground..
Had a good rain last night. After i shut the water off. It was all needed after 2 days above 100 degrees.
We both worked in garden last evening for a couple hours. We have beans forming now. Will have them coming out our ears soon.
Somethings we planted too much of Rattlesnake beans be one of them.

We didn't get any rain here. It did rain all around us however.
The local Mercantile has veggies half off, so I picked up some random things to fill holes in the garden - a lemon cucumber, German Johnson tomato, some Jalapenos (Mucho Nacho and Mammoth) and a Dragon Cayenne. They are leggy, and it's hot, but they were pretty cheap.
My Gernan Johnsons are beginning to ripen. They look awesome. I have a few holes in garden too , i will look for more peppers. Off now. Fertilizing this morning.
Tomatoes look good this year can't wait for mine to start growing. I canned strawberry, peach, and blueberry jams this week anybody want share their secret blackberry patch with me ?

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