What did you do in the garden today?

Hmmm, so I'm not the only one who is learning as she goes. The corn is not coming up, but the tomatoes are doing fine, The pole beans have some sort of leaf affliction, and the slugs just don't want to give up. I'm glad I'm not alone. Yes, it'll soon be time to do the starts for the fall garden.
Hi everyone, not sure who posted this tip, or if it was even on this thread, but THANK YOU for the squash bug tip! I watered the bases and under the leaves this evening, then walked around for a while and when I came back a lot of the bugs were on the top leaves drying out.

Hit them with a mix of Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap and water mixed in an old windex bottle and didn't have to dig down in the leaves to find them!

Will do it again every couple of days. Works great!!
Hi everyone, not sure who posted this tip, or if it was even on this thread, but THANK YOU for the squash bug tip! I watered the bases and under the leaves this evening, then walked around for a while and when I came back a lot of the bugs were on the top leaves drying out.

Hit them with a mix of Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap and water mixed in an old windex bottle and didn't have to dig down in the leaves to find them!

Will do it again every couple of days. Works great!!
I didn't see the OP, but thanks for that tip. I killed my first one 2 days ago. I was too lazy to run upstairs for some dish soap for my garden patrol, so grabbed some ammonia from the laundry room. worked great. (drop the bugs in a dilute solution.)
Gardens seem so big before we plant, too small when we plant,and way too big when we weed...
and even with that in mind, as I spread out the shavings I made it three feet wider and three feet longer.
It's extremely hot here in the UK so most of what I did was water my newly transplanted seeds. I potted up a few canna lillies I've grown from seed and help my partner move the mini-greenhouse; he grows carnivorous plants.

I moved to a new garden this year and it's FAR bigger than my tiny previous one. The house is a complete mess - loads of DIY to do. Of course, the garden has had a TONNE of work done on it already. Yep, I know where my priorities lay ;)
Gardens seem so big before we plant, too small when we plant,and way too big when we weed...
and even with that in mind, as I spread out the shavings I made it three feet wider and three feet longer.
Yeah, that's about how my garden "grows". I call it "garden creep". My husband goes outside, scratches his head, and comments that the garden is getting closer to the house! I figure that if I do it nice and gradual, it's not as likely to be noticed! After all, gotta straighten up those edges, right?
ran out of space in the garden, so planted cukes at the front of my hugelkulture bed (to be)  Need to figure out some sort of support for them.  

Gosh....yeah...cukes don't need a very high support and aren't picky...you could take two sticks....string a wire between them. ...and attach 6-pack plastic holders with pull tabs hanging down from the wire with pull tabs.....

JK.....but barely...got any chicken wire?
I'm so excited for you!! The last month I worked full-time just flew by, unfortunately because they hadn't hired anyone to replace me so I had to dump a lot of work on my friends and give them a crash course on all I was doing. I gave them a ton of notice though, so not my fault!.

I will probably give them notice soon but the business is short of work anyway so I am sure they will be fine.

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