What did you do in the garden today?

Suns trying to come out. I have some very sad looking sweet potato slips that I got from Guernys and they really need to get in the ground but i feel its too cold for them . I may just pot them up for a couple weeks then plant them out . They arrived in such bad condition, not sure if they will make it. If anyone knows of a better source for slips please let me know . I have had no luck trying to make slips of my own,
Cant believe so many of you are harvesting cucs and tomatoes already. Im just getting mine in, in the hoop houses and still have a week or so before things can go outside in the gardens where I am. Every year I get impatient when the warm days come and plant out before june 1 and every year I regret it. Not this year! As hard as it is , I’ve waited and I’m almost there. Hopefully my patience will pay off. The hoop houses do help to extend our short growing seasons.

Here’s a pic of a nice surprise in the gazebo
Hope everyone has a great week!
The only reason she had people stopping by today and yesterday was I listed the open shop on craigslist. She didn't put her normal signs out on the highway to get people to turn down the dirt road. Without them, no one knows shes there.

DH doesn't like random people on the acreage. I get that.

Neighbors will snatch them up, and co-workers. It's just getting the word out.
Ever thought of a Spring farm stand at the edge of your property? If there's a major road or if you can put signs on a nearby highway it might help bring some traffic and would be easier than going all the way to market. Also, you could keep people at the edge of your property on the roadside, so DH might not mind so much.
Last December DH accidentally set our pasture on fire and it went out of control and burned half my garden which is next to that side of the pasture. My concord grapes were one of the casualties of the fire.... Or so I thought! When we were mowing this weekend I was immensely surprised and excited to see some new growth coming up from the ground! ❤️❤️❤️ They are only about a foot high but I'm still elated they came back! I'm considering digging them up and moving them away from that spot.
Last December DH accidentally set our pasture on fire and it went out of control and burned half my garden which is next to that side of the pasture. My concord grapes were one of the casualties of the fire.... Or so I thought! When we were mowing this weekend I was immensely surprised and excited to see some new growth coming up from the ground! ❤️❤️❤️ They are only about a foot high but I'm still elated they came back! I'm considering digging them up and moving them away from that spot.
Wow. Thats cool the grapes are coming back, but im afraid if my DH burnt half down half my garden Id be moving him to another spot.
Same here - my seedling cukes are floppy and not really growing, even though they were right next to the luffa, which are looking good...

You're further ahead than I am! Your tire beds are starting to show some healthy growth! My garden looks like a bunch of empty beds with weeds starting to grow in between them.

I did get all my tire beds planted yesterday, 2 butternut, 2 pumpkin, 1 zucchini, 1 yellow squash, and one parsley. The 8th tire is maintaining some awesome chives, we had them on our baked potatoes yesterday!

Also put up trellises for the pumpkins (just 3 6-foot U-posts in a "teepee" shape, will do the same for the butternuts as well.) I started to put up a trellis for pole beans, then changed my mind about where to put it and took it down again - not the greatest plan - I decided to plant the beans in a part of the garden where I haven't built beds yet, and save the beds for cukes, cabbages, carrots, eggplant and a whole bed for basil. In the far east end where it's just bare soil, I think I'll just sow a bunch of sunflowers, plus dahlias in a row west of them, to take up weed space.

My tomato and eggplant seedlings are enjoying their hardening-off period. They've all grown more leaves, and areI would suggest putting a deep layer of gravel at the bottom

I have a question for people who grow in large outdoor containers, especially if you tend to get lots of rain - do you drill holes in the bottom of your containers? If not, what plants can tolerate wetter soil? I have a few large metal containers I would like to drag out to the garden and plant something in them, but I don't want to drill holes in them, because I'd eventually like to use them for stock tanks when we get some goats (hopefully next year.) Any suggestions of what to plant in them?

We are due for some rain tomorrow, so that should be good for all my squash seeds.
I would suggest putting a deep layer of gravel at the bottom of the metal containers then topping with soil and the plants. That way when you get heavy rains the water would be down in the gravel layer and the roots wouldn't get water logged.
I was hoping to get the grass cut today and more leaf mulch and some leftover bags of manure and garden soil moved into the raised bed today. But, I woke up not feeling well and it's been raining off and on all day (so far). So mowing is definitely out but hopefully after a nap I will feel better and can get all if not some of the other things done.

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