What did you do in the garden today?

I write lists with paper and pen, I write checks and use a check register, I print out maps... I am a Progressive commercial... :barnie
I love those commercials! The tv remote velcro'd to the table is a GREAT idea. :gig

I admit, I use google assistant on my phone all the time. No questions go unanswered in my brain anymore! I can only be so technology resistant, working in IT & all. We do not have an alexa or any smart devices though.
Funny story tho, we had a freak October snow storm here a few years back & I lost power for well over a week. I had NO idea how to pay my bills because I do everything online an all the cell towers & internet were down. That was an eye opener. Ever since that storm I always keep spare gas on hand & keep a bunch of cash in the safe.
So I was in the greenhouse putting together freebie orders for dh's office of the left over plants when I glanced over to my trash pile of starter cells that need emptied and washed due to plant death or lack of germination. There, neglected for TWO weeks, dry as a bone starter soil, and sideways pots, were two cells with squash seeds an inch tall.

Silly me thinking they needed water and tended to germinate. :lau Stupid things. Off to the hoop house they go.
Two short rainstorms today- perfect for the plants!

Spouse made me a table for outside -saves my aching back when cleaning and filling waterers.


Cedar fence boards on top, with slight gaps so water runs through.

We have a 5-nest nest box. But the girls only use the top 3. So, we’ve tried a few things, but they just don’t use them. We have 18 girls nearing POL, so we need more nests being used. The two bottom ones are larger, so we made the entry smaller last summer. Nope-not used. I closed the window bottom, but opened the top thinking maybe too breezy, but nope. Today I put dark stain on the inside of one lower nest box to darken it. I covered the openings to prevent them going inside tonight. They will be scared if it tomorrow, of course, but hoping they get over it quickly and try the nest out. I’ve left the other one untouched bc I might get another inspiration if the dark interior doesn’t work.


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