What did you do in the garden today?

I can't stomach that pancake syrup or "table syrup" nonsense either. For a couple of years I had given up eating pancakes altogether because I, as a teenager, would have horrible heartburn when I went to bed later. Then I was introduced to real maple syrup and pancakes were back on the menu with no issues. I dream of having maple trees someday and tapping and cooking my own syrup. Yum!
I am so tired of going out to check chickens and water all to find tons of stuff dug up!!! Completely killed a squash vine! My purple basil is half dead! Sage is probably gonna die cuz it has dug it up twice in a week! It even dug up daisies, lambs ear, and tulip and thyacin (spelling?) bulbs! Turned over medium size pots of everything just wreaking havoc!
Called son and told him I need him to come beat the thing to death (in the dark of course) or shoot with bow n arrow! It is so frustrating!!!
Only good thing is it hasn't done this to the raised bed at all!
Yall think ground hog or the ferrel cat? Or both?
@Gammas Bearded Babies that's so frustrating! Can you set up a camera?
We had the chicken cam aimed that way and it never caught it on camera...so we moved it inside the run so I could see the babies better without hardware cloth.
I'm seriously thinkin bout staying up all night and beating the thing to death!
I'm just over it!
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I ended up caving in & watering, thinks were looking a bit wilted. I have a huge infestation of aphids in the squash houses, when the soaker is done on the beans I'll blast them with the hose, if it doesn't help tomorrow they'll get soapy water I guess.

Put up another JB trap.

I have to tell y'all I love the staked bush squash, it does my neatness OCD tons of good! I enjoy going out there & tidying them up every am. They're all neat & orderly.

I picked a crookneck & a yellow squash for dinner. I'll get beans when dinner time rolls around. That reminds me, got to go marinate the pork.

Have a great one all...
Since owning my own non-caged, free ranging chickens who get lots of room to roam and are spoiled rotten so they produce rich, healthy, wonderful eggs, I cannot eat store bought eggs anymore. That also means I can't eat breakfast at a restaurant because they all use store bought eggs. They are just pale, nasty, flavorless snot. It turns my stomach just to look at commercial eggs.
“... pale, nasty, flavorless snot.”

I don’t know why, but that cracked me up - and it’s true! Actually, a few people asked me what was wrong with my chickens because the yolks were orange, were they safe to eat? One customer didn’t like them, said they looked “wrong.” :hmm S’okay. Fresh eggs are better any day!!
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organic in european union means that chickens eat at least 80% (or so) organic feed and can be caged. free range means that chickens must get out for at least 2-3 hours every day. space is not required so their run can be overcrowded.

do you understand why I got chickens and don't eat store bought eggs and meat?
There are those who do not buy into getting certified because they are beyond organic (as defined by regs). An 'Organic" designation would be a step down from what they do.
I planted dill (after stratefying in fridge overnite) and basil seeds in some flats in the greenhouse. I've got 3 different kinds of of cukes soaking from my newly arrived Botanical Interests seed order. Will direct sow the cukes later today.

And I planted some Mammoth Basil starts in each of the greenhouse beds between the Tomato, Pepper and Eggplants. Lazy Garden is watered and I pulled handfulls of baby weeds to toss over fence to chickens - a gourmet salad to thier eyes!

Now while I work I'm filling the water totes that pump water to the greenhouse sprinklers - timer is set so I'll check in an hour to see if I can turn off hose filling the totes.
I found out that the beneficial bacteria in yogurt stays active even if we freeze them. I made yogurt with frozen yogurt to prove that this statement is true.
Every time I make yogurt I freeze a bit to use as starter for the next batch. Freezing is no problem.
On the other hand, maybe if I just threw the seeds out there, they’d grow?? A trip to NY is a bit far for me to go for dill seeds, being in TX! But I’d love to go - hole in the wall places are the best!
Try starting it earlier in the year when it's cooler. Mine always sprouts early spring.. I'm thinking about February in California.
Since owning my own non-caged, free ranging chickens who get lots of room to roam and are spoiled rotten so they produce rich, healthy, wonderful eggs, I cannot eat store bought eggs anymore. That also means I can't eat breakfast at a restaurant because they all use store bought eggs. They are just pale, nasty, flavorless snot. It turns my stomach just to look at commercial eggs.
Yeah I'm over buying eggs. Between the accidental balut from the market and the bland eggs from the store I'm glad the first quail started laying yesterday.
I am so tired of going out to check chickens and water all to find tons of stuff dug up!!! Completely killed a squash vine! My purple basil is half dead! Sage is probably gonna die cuz it has dug it up twice in a week! It even dug up daisies, lambs ear, and tulip and thyacin (spelling?) bulbs! Turned over medium size pots of everything just wreaking havoc!
Called son and told him I need him to come beat the thing to death (in the dark of course) or shoot with bow n arrow! It is so frustrating!!!
Only good thing is it hasn't done this to the raised bed at all!
Yall think ground hog or the ferrel cat? Or both?
Do you have rocks, pavers, or bricks lying around? Surround whatever you don't want dug up NOW. Chicken wire cages can work too if you have landscape staples. Agree it's a grub eater, raccoon or possum probably

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