What did you do in the garden today?

Lots of leftovers. What a problem, huh?

We had homegrown potatoes for mashed, and DH insisted I use white potatoes, not blue. What a stickler for conventional tradition, huh? :gig I want to make some mashed blues; I never have before. Does the color leach out?

I use my Instant Pot to make bone broth from the bones/carcass and I had the brilliant idea of putting the bag of bones in the Instant Pot pan, and freezing it. Now I have a bag of bones that I know will fit in the pot. I'll take the pot out of the freezer when it's solid.
Other than the turkey, I get sick of leftovers after the second day and some things I don’t eat at all; nobody (Igor/daughter) goes for them until it’s too late to eat them and then someone (Igor) complains that they got thrown away. Well, I told you I wasn’t going to eat that so :idunno
Trimmed the lilac today. There are definite branches so it has decided on its appearance, I think I can start working on shape a little bit now. This is where the cat has been hiding, the chickens are now enjoying it quite a bit instead
The workshop is DONE. It took me 3 hours, one of those in a solid n95, SO much mouse poo. OMG. It's ridiculous. I found 5 dead in a 5 gallon bucket and disturbed a nest of 3 in my garden sheets. The sheets are now in a container. Stupid mice.
But it's done.
I also took the hydro line off the tractor. I THINK it just might have needed tightened as the leaking end came off with barely any effort and the other end took a leverage pole and a few swear words. I'll start simple and clean the line, dry it, apply a leak strip, and re-install it and then run it to see if it still leaks, If it does, then I'll replace the o-ring. If it still leaks, I'll replace the line. It's always something that keeps me out of the loom studio.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving day.
My mostly indoor lemon tree dropped almost all of its leaves but has a ton of blooms right now.
My mostly indoor lime tree is loaded blooms for the first time ever but hasn't dropped hardly any of its leaves.
I'm pollinating them with a small artist paintbrush as they open.
I'm jealous... I moved my lemon tree indoors about a month ago. It had a little bit of leaf drop at first but seems to have stopped. It has never flowered though. Not a single bud. Ever.

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