What did you do in the garden today?

Ok, then. She's definitely barren! Here's my thought on that: she's getting too much nitrogen. Are her leaves nice and big? Certainly a puzzle, since she's loaded with blossoms. Are you sure it's a tomato plant???!!! Try a dose of epsom salt, and a few match sticks buried in the soil around her drip line.
I've got seed catalogs!!!!

Merry Christmas Dan!

I actually paid for Bakers huge catalog/"book!" Then I got their free catalog too. The big one is fun to read, but the "meat" is still in the smaller catalog. So I may not order the big one again. I already have a long list going! It's fun to plan though when it's too cold to garden.
After Dan's endorsement of that company, I sent for their catalog. I was blown away by the squash varieties. While they offer a lot of varieties, and I can only assume that they are all OP, the information in the catalog is lacking. Many varieties don't even list maturity dates. Good eye candy to curl up by the fire with though. I'll stick with Johnny's and Fedco for the info offered there!
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Yeah I just ordered a southern exposure catalog today. I'll probably drowning in catalogs in January! Lol! Between looking at seed catalogs and hatchery websites, I may be broke by the end of January!
I've already ordered chicks for April delivery, and ordered my seeds before new catalogs even came out. I'm as ready as I can get... oops! new catalogs to look at. Perhaps I missed a few "gotta have those" varieties.
I've already ordered chicks for April delivery, and ordered my seeds before new catalogs even came out.  I'm as ready as I can get... oops!  new catalogs to look at.  Perhaps I missed a few "gotta have those" varieties. 

Way to go LG! I keep putting off ordering chicks. I spend too much time analyzing what might be best, I.e. Where am I going to keep bantams, where would ducks and turkeys go, I need a run-in before I buy a steer, can I build what I need.......ad nauseam. I drive myself crazy. At some point, I have to jump in with both feet!
Way to go LG! I keep putting off ordering chicks. I spend too much time analyzing what might be best, I.e. Where am I going to keep bantams, where would ducks and turkeys go, I need a run-in before I buy a steer, can I build what I need.......ad nauseam. I drive myself crazy. At some point, I have to jump in with both feet!

I'm going to hatch my own chicks!

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