What did you do in the garden today?

I am so ready for spring. I know we all are.
Planted two bundles of onion sets. Set out an azalea (pink ruffle), a couple daylilly plants, and some creeping phlox. I will have to get my wife involed in the rest of the flower garden planning. I have bunch of plants in pots from last winter but i just don't know where to put them. I mean all kinds of plants from azaleas to zinna seed.
Yep, i have been hauling pine staw all winter (when i aint hauling horse manure), and my entire garden is covered in the stuff. I have a lot of work ahead but hopefully it wont be pulling weeds. I also have part of the garden covered in wood chips and sawdust.
You should have some good soil with all that mulch. I hope you don't get any weeds.

I am trying to motivate dh to get his chain saw fixed so we can cut down the catch pen posts to start our pool gardens.

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