What did you do in the garden today?

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Wet wet wet. Y'all can see why I'm doing a French drain under my pavers as I extend the patio. So today I harvested and took pics.

I'm also working on a dry creek bed from the pond down to the drain we already have past the mini teepee. The red tub is turned upside down over it in the second pic. That is one edge of the property close to the house. The pond is further back and at a higher elevation. Overflow currently gets channeled mostly behind the teepee bed, but obviously some is still draining down the frontside. The new drain will fix that, and the dry creek bed will keep most runoff/overflow contained.

Dang that's a lot more digging left to go! I have to look at it one little bit at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Yes, that is my way of attacking the garden. Just do as much as i can. Got a late start after we moved, but anything i get done this year will be done for next year. I am still planning on planting more when i get the bed double dug. And i want to plant sunflowers all around the perimeter with more peas. They probably won't do too well in the heat, but there is some shade there in the afternoon so maybe they will do ok. I will plant more this fall. I bought vincas for the flower garden and 2 sunflower plants for my veggie garden. Maybe tomorrow i can get them in the ground.
We have had 15+ inches of rain in 5 days recently. The sun has made it's presence the last 2 days in a row. I yanked up all the yellow cukes, toms and beans/sugar snap peas and planted my seedlings from the barn cart to the area that drowned. The seedlings got to big for the tiny plastic pots and needed more root space. They would have suffered from lack of soil nutrition if I did not gamble with trans planting to the rain kill garden. Have my fingers crossed that the sun will stay on my side. It is what it is. Don't sweat the small stuff.
Water table renewed, no drought, no fires.. No tomatoes.. Mosquito's.. Don't get me started. I am scratching my leg right now.. Hehe
Yes, that is my way of attacking the garden. Just do as much as i can. Got a late start after we moved, but anything i get done this year will be done for next year. I am still planning on planting more when i get the bed double dug. And i want to plant sunflowers all around the perimeter with more peas. They probably won't do too well in the heat, but there is some shade there in the afternoon so maybe they will do ok. I will plant more this fall. I bought vincas for the flower garden and 2 sunflower plants for my veggie garden. Maybe tomorrow i can get them in the ground.
I can't resist planting sun flowers. Sometimes when the birds attack them, months later they pop up and I move them to a safe zone. I measured one at 13 feet tall one season. That grow like weeds with goat poo.
At least the ticks are not as bad as when we first moved here. Mowing the weeds and removing some brush to plant the garden has helped. We also are using that cedar oil spray which helps somewhat. The mosquitoes mostly come around at dark, when the breeze dies down. The poison ivy and Virginia creeper have kept me itching.
At least the ticks are not as bad as when we first moved here. Mowing the weeds and removing some brush to plant the garden has helped. We also are using that cedar oil spray which helps somewhat. The mosquitoes mostly come around at dark, when the breeze dies down. The poison ivy and Virginia creeper have kept me itching.
We have not spent tons of hard earned $ on flea control for our doggies this season. Knock on wood. So I see where you are coming from with the tick prob.
All thru our mild winter (florida) the fleas were a major problem. They drown I believe. We had ticks last season on our goats.. Not a hint yet and now July is here. As an Even trade for a disastrous garden, no big bucks shelled out on those 2 problem parasites. Stranger things have happened but still finding a way to remain humble..
Thanks for sharing!
What part of Florida are you in? We just moved to Virginia last month from Bradenton! I did not even try to grow veggies there for years. But we had a good garden in TN, and i have hopes for a good one this year, even with our late start. Yeah, the fleas down there were bad at times. Now we worry about tick borne diseases. Always something! We even have a black bear with a cub on our land!
Way too much rain here also this yr. Way too early for anything but cold hardy either, don't plant till Memorial weekend. Hard frosts till then.
Jealous of you all's gardens lol.
Was down to Virginia beach a couple months ago, ran into a little old lady that asked where we was from. Pretty funny she actually was from not too far from us and obviously knew where we were on gardening, had to mention with a laugh that they were already picking zucchini and squash, lol!
Ours today might be a foot high and far from producing.
Have a 50' row if peas though that are about ready to pick, about the only thing the rain has helped.
they are my beast of burden right now.
They make a 22 rat shot. You can't miss with it. But it hits everything around it as well. I am catching them with live traps consistently.
I'm great with a 22 long rifle loaded with ratshot...got 63 out of 64 shots last year...really put a dent in the population around the chicken pens and the barn. They were eating feed from the feeders in the breed pens. They can raise three litters a good season. The grandkids started calling me Annie Oakley.
I've been after the one in the garden...think I got him today.
The bad part about rats and mice in the barn and pens is that the snakes begin to move in to feed on the critters and will take a chick as a snack.

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