What did you do in the garden today?

I don't ever use Google, Microsoft, or built-ins with the various browsers. They are too vulnerable to hacking, imo. (Note: I work in cybersecurity). In some cases (such as for my elderly in-laws), I recommend an old-school address book or rolodex. 😂
Yeah I was doing the address book, but when they started wanting Goofy characters was about when catrects started. Hard to see the difference between a few of them
I don't ever use Google, Microsoft, or built-ins with the various browsers. They are too vulnerable to hacking, imo. (Note: I work in cybersecurity). In some cases (such as for my elderly in-laws), I recommend an old-school address book or rolodex. 😂
Also if I go to a site and my username doesn't populated automatically it's either an updated site or a lookalike that I want to stay away from . I'll have to look into the one you recommended
I don't ever use Google, Microsoft, or built-ins with the various browsers. They are too vulnerable to hacking, imo. (Note: I work in cybersecurity). In some cases (such as for my elderly in-laws), I recommend an old-school address book or rolodex. 😂

:old Yeah, that would be me. I have a separate sheet of paper with all my accounts and passwords written down. Seems like every other account has different requirements for usernames and passwords. I can't remember them all. Worse yet, some websites make you change your password every few months. That's a real PITA.

:tongue And don't get me started on when some company gets hacked, your credit card is compromised, and you have to reset up all your automatic payments before you get overdue notice fees!

Again, I have all my automatic payments on a sheet of paper in case the credit card is hacked.
feeling her oats again, eh? LOL
I just moved her to the outdoor quarantine pen.... :rant

I went to give her some antibiotics and discovered she dumped her entire food bowl everywhere...on top of the spilled water.

I tapped out. She can deal with the potential cold (low tonight is 40) since she is OBVIOUSLY feeling better. It will just be harder to catch her every day to give her some meds.
Yesterday morning I woke up around 6 am and heard the ducks raising a ruckus. Got up and looked out the window to see if I could tell what was going on. It was still too dark so I threw on some boots (sans socks) and a jacket and ran as fast as I could to the duck coop. I assumed some critter had somehow managed to get inside...but nada. I stood there for a minute and then heard the ruckus again. I realized that it was coming from my neighbor's pond. He had a bunch of Canadian Geese taking a pre-dawn swim. 🙄

Well today I now have 2 geese in my pond. I grew up around Canadian Geese. They are nasty, filthy birds... BUT they tend to be pretty rare around here unless you are on a lake so I'm reluctant to run them off, even knowing they could potentially bring disease to my birds. I'm keeping my ducks penned up for the day. We'll see how long the geese stay. I can't imagine it'll be for more than a day or so...
I currently have about half a million snow geese on the lake. It's insane. Talk about a mess! At least they dont stay long, and the mass of bald eagles make up for it.

Clothes on the line atm. Winds starting to howl, so I might have to gather them soon.

My new, and last, KoMo grain mill came today. It took 9 months of back-order to get here, but I don't mind.

Chance for aurora tonight, and on cue, here come the clouds.

Hens are furious that I haven't let them out. It's almost 60'. But with the wind, they'd just hide.

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