What did you do in the garden today?

Another 7-ish hours spent in the garden today. In addition to the canna lilies, I planted 20 ranunculus corms. I also planted 3 peony roots and seeded a low-grow flower mix around the peony border. Except one bed which I seeded with antique calendula.

Lastly I repotted a honey mesquite seedling and started some comfrey, marigolds, and columbine in some peat pots.

Now I'm pooped. 😂😴
Got some cool weather crops planted. Going back and forth on the house work and gardening. The new picture of Wally, he weighs 40.2 pounds.
This thread is so motivating. It really has made me feel like I can keep chipping away at stuff. I got rained on pretty hard today but it was worth it. The cloudburst was enough that I had to go inside for about an hour. Slow moving storm this weekend.

I'm so excited to see everyone's gardens start to take off come May. I think this is going to be a good season. 🎉💚
I opened a can of Glory Southern Style Collard Greens today and mixed in some fresh Prism Kale from my Kratky buckets.
It's basically simmered in a sweet ham broth and the Kale is chopped and diced into pieces. I decided to thicken the broth with corn starch and threw in some chopped up whole ham.
That sounds so great! I can hardly wait to see photos!

I need to get irises, we have a great iris farm nearby. I've been wanting to plant more bulbs. I love bulb flowers!
It's a weird angle for the picture but this bed is 8 ft long by 2 - 3 ft wide. Except for the rose bush in the middle (sprayed with Bordeaux mix), I've had different flowers in this bed every year. I can't seem to find anything that can withstand the invasive weeds, chickens, and goats. I put up chicken wire to keep them out. Need to find something more decorative though because it's right next to my house and the chicken wire looks so redneck. 😂

Anyway, I had over 100 iris bulbs between my mom's house (I dug them up after she died last year) and the previous homeowner of our house. I gave away a TON and I still have more that I need to dig up, divide, and replant somewhere else...

I've eaten a lot of cans of Glory greens before I started gardening again (got 'em at Walmart). They are good, a little sweetness but just enough. Seasoned nicely too.
I opened a can of Glory Southern Style Collard Greens today and mixed in some fresh Prism Kale from my Kratky buckets.
It's basically simmered in a sweet ham broth and the Kale is chopped and diced into pieces. I decided to thicken the broth with corn starch and threw in some chopped up whole ham.
I opened a can of Glory Southern Style Collard Greens today and mixed in some fresh Prism Kale from my Kratky buckets.
It's basically simmered in a sweet ham broth and the Kale is chopped and diced into pieces. I decided to thicken the broth with corn starch and threw in some chopped up whole ham.
I fed my last collard plant to the flock today.

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