What did you do in the garden today?

This thread is so motivating. It really has made me feel like I can keep chipping away at stuff. I got rained on pretty hard today but it was worth it. The cloudburst was enough that I had to go inside for about an hour. Slow moving storm this weekend.

I'm so excited to see everyone's gardens start to take off come May. I think this is going to be a good season. 🎉💚
It is motivating!

I got some different tomatoes that were absolutely delicious in our tacos last night, so I saved seeds from them. Not sure they'll sprout but ya never know unless ya try. I've already sprouted seeds from my neighbor's last year & some seeds I got at TractorSupply. It's been a long time since I've done a large garden, but this year is the year! I'm excited & looking forward to it. I've gotten lots of ideas here, too.

I'm going to plant a variety. 3 types of Corn, squash, zucchini, pumpkin, turnip, cucumber, radish, onion, carrot, 4 types of tomatoes, 2 types of lettuce, various herbs with lots of basil, 3 types of Sunflowers, etc. My mint is coming back every year & filling in around the chicken coops which was the plan. Blueberry plants are doing great, I had several varieties so going to buy more of what does well here. We've had wild raspberry shrubs all around, mostly on a neighboring property. I've cut their grass for them for years, so I'm digging up some to put on my property. (Have permission).

There's a very productive Mulberry tree with delicious berries, so I'm going to start a few of those from seeds. I've started several Magnolia trees from seed, their large fragrant flowers are Heavenly. Funny story about that tree...When I moved here, it was about 30 feet tall, but it was very sparse and scraggly looking. A tornado blew through here and snapped it like a twig, near the base. The tree itself went flying through the air like a large umbrella that day. I'm very lucky all it took out was an outdoor glass table (it was a gift a mere 48 hours prior so we never even got to use the darn thing once). I'm grateful that tree finally landed between the pigeon loft & house, instead of in or on them! Anyway, I figured that tree was a goner, with basically a mutilated, twisted 3 foot stump left behind. I leveled it off down low with a Sawzall & figured it would disintegrate.

That tree grew back & is more full & lush that any Magnolia I've ever seen. Prior to the tornado, it would get 1 flower a month. Now it blooms several huge flowers all summer long! I guess God knew all this tree needed was a good pruning. 🤣

The pretty Magnolia, provides shade for the chicken pens.
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This is the link I was looking for yesterday, @igorsMistress and @Liz Birdlover. I learned everything I know about brewing kombucha from this site.
Awesome & very informative, thank you!

I have been drinking a teaspoon of Braggs ACV in a glass of water daily. I don't mind that taste at all.

Looking into kombucha, I also found this helpful info as I avoid sugar, especially processed sugar, with exception to natural honey. I'm thinking we can create some very unique flavors. Cherries & honey sound good.

https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/wh...n Caloric Sweeteners,they will starve and die.
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I got some different tomatoes that were absolutely delicious in our tacos last night, so I saved seeds from them.
Grocery store toms? It's never occurred to me to try that. I hope it goes great. It also sounds like you will have a beautiful bounty.

We just planted raspberries but have wild blueberries and blackberries. And we planted a couple of figs and some more blackberries. Hoping they don't get too cross pollinated with the wild ones. But David loves the things and the store is crazy expensive on them. Especially on the organic ones.

There's a very productive Mulberry tree with delicious berries, so I'm going to start a few of those from seeds. I've started several Magnolia trees from seed, their large fragrant flowers are Heavenly. Funny story about that tree...When I moved here, it was about 30 feet tall, but it was very sparse and scraggly looking. A tornado blew through here and snapped it like a twig, near the base. The tree itself went flying through the air like a large umbrella that day. I'm very lucky all it took out was an outdoor glass table (it was a gift a mere 48 hours prior so we never even got to use the darn thing once). I'm grateful that tree finally landed between the pigeon loft & house, instead of in or on them! Anyway, I figured that tree was a goner, with basically a mutilated, twisted 3 foot stump left behind. I leveled it off down low with a Sawzall & figured it would disintegrate.

That tree grew back & is more full & lush that any Magnolia I've ever seen. Prior to the tornado, it would get 1 flower a month. Now it blooms several huge flowers all summer long! I guess God knew all this tree needed was a good pruning. 🤣
Too bad about the table! We also have wild magnolias everywhere, but they are all scraggly. They do flower, though and it's like a wonderland in June.

Do you have any gardenias? We have one and it's as tall as the house. It has these delicate white flowers and I just get lost in the scent every summer.
Awww! Chick is crying, "How come you other chicks won't come out to play? Hurry up & Come on out, I'm all by my lonesome!"
Yes. It (I think he) was snuggling up next to an egg last night. My son just knocked on the door and told me that egg is now pipped. He was also pecking at another egg. I'm betting he's hearing them cheeping. I can't hear it inside the Bater, but he probably can. And he's already trying to round up his flock!
Grocery store toms? It's never occurred to me to try that. I hope it goes great. It also sounds like you will have a beautiful bounty.

We just planted raspberries but have wild blueberries and blackberries. And we planted a couple of figs and some more blackberries. Hoping they don't get too cross pollinated with the wild ones. But David loves the things and the store is crazy expensive on them. Especially on the organic ones.

Too bad about the table! We also have wild magnolias everywhere, but they are all scraggly. They do flower, though and it's like a wonderland in June.

Do you have any gardenias? We have one and it's as tall as the house. It has these delicate white flowers and I just get lost in the scent every summer.
These were bought at the store, which is rare for me, but we had a craving for our tacos. We were very pleasantly surprised by the flavor, texture & color of these tomatoes. I know anything at the grocery store in the produce section is a gamble & the Roma or other vine ripened were often disappointing, but these were fantastic.


We had fig trees & one did so well, but I'm going to plant one further from the house. They are delicious & very productive but attract critters & bees. I don't mind either, just prefer them not practically knocking at our back door. I can't tell you how many bees & wasps I had to shoo out of the back door & laundry room. Lol
Hey, an easy way to shoo them out btw...hold up the bristle end of a broom, the wasp or bee will often step right on & hang on as you gently walk outside. Once outside they fly off of the broom calmly, usually right back to the fig tree. They seem to like hitching rides on broom bristles, as long as you're gentle.
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Good morning gardeners. Waiting for the sun to take care of the rest of the snow and ice. Our ground is so soggy even though it’s still partly frozen. More rain coming in a couple of days. I’m planning on doing what I can to prep the garden beds this week. I also need to get busy patching up the old chicken coop and run so I can move the flock and use the “winter-coop” to brood the new chicks that are coming. Grand daughter was very happy to have her own little secret garden to finally plant her own stuff. I forgot to add the fairy statue and the bowl of pansies. I think it may be safe to out the pansies out today. I gave her several grow bags to start with and DD is going to take her seed shopping.
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What a sweet idea. I wish my granddaughters didn't live 1000 miles away.

When I was about 7 we moved to Connecticut and finally had room for a vegetable garden. I'm guessing it was about 15'x25', and my mother gave a small section. It was often weedy, but she let me be. I planted marigolds and developed a love for growing flowers and eventually vegetables.
Doctors only know what they've studied & have been educated to know, with whatever curriculum. The surgeon will suggest surgery, the oncologist with suggest chemo, the hematologist does endless bloodwork & the endocrinologist tests hormones, etc. When they have no experience in a particular field or certain symptoms, they'll send you to another specialist, but if what's out of balance is not what they happen to test for, we just have no clue, and neither do they.
As my BFF (who works in a hospital) says 'That's why they call it PRACTICING medicine, Sue'.
Very true. I had a job in a negative environment once. Every day seemed like a month long. Time to change passwords came around, it was frequently required, and I decided to use positive type passwords for the new passwords. I had to type these passwords in multiple times a day, and it was actually a positive thing to do-a frequent positive boost in my very long days there.
I like this. I should try it. All my passwords have some type of swears in them because I hate having passwords. Working in IT, I have soooo many & then they have to be super complex - it drives me insane so when I change them I'm always bitching. 😂
I may have forgot to mention that this was a gift for her tenth birthday. I wanted to make it portable so when DD is able to buy a house she can take her “garden” to her own backyard.
& you are THE best grandma! Way to sow the seeds of gardening with the littles! I believe I got my love of gardening from my grandmother.

Back to work so not much happening in the garden. Hoping to get another greenstalk up while waiting for the onions to arrive. Seeds n such seems to have some confusion on my order so we shall see what happens there.
I got out and planted my canna lilies, I will be getting more... I figured out a place to put them! In front of the pool to hide it a little.

I also finished moving mulch around, got my ground level bed amended and ready.
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Planted my last two pots of blackberries, planted my lemongrass in the ground finally, it's been 6 years....
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Blueberries are starting to bloom!
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Seedlings are growing just fine.
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Your gardens look beautiful!

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