What did you do in the garden today?

We had a bit of rain, thunder and lightening early this morning, not a lot but every little bit helps.

@Wee Farmer Sarah congratulations on the peaches. Our trees didn't bloom this year. Off year for them and last year they were full of blooms and then we had a late freeze. Got every one of them. Year before I remember checking the peaches before going to bed and gauged they were ready to be picked in 48 hours and turned into peach jam. Got up the next morning, went out to check them again and ever danged peach was gone. Left in their place were these tidy piles of pits.

I figure that a deer wouldn't have been that tidy. It had to be raccoons. I was not a happy camper. Our trees are a heritage variety that are started from pits planted in the early winter. The fruit is small, about the size of a big apricot but has a wonderful flavor and makes fantastic jam.

I swear next year IF we get a crop, I'm setting the live trap and catching the raccoons before they make their midnight raids on our orchard.
Morning all. Another helacious storm last night. Another 1.5 inches of rain and 60+ mph winds. This morning, more thunder.

Sun is out now and the humidity is repulsive.
The new chicks are having a party in the pen.

The boys were locked in the barn all night to keep them dry. The barn is clean and the boys are haltered for the shearing team in two hours. Hell must be freezing over somewhere, as every single alpaca let me walk right up to them and put their halter on without running, dancing, spitting, yelling, or wrangling, begging, crying or pleading.

GoPro is up. Now let's see if I remember to turn it on and it runs right. I have before photos. I'll get after photos later.
I have to admit that I put 2 volunteer cherry tomato plants in place for the seedlings that didn’t make it. Most of the Roma’s are doing well. I guess I have been over doing it lately. Picked up a bag of All Flock at the feed store and it was a bit of a struggle to get it into the house. I’m taking it easy today. Just planting flowers and pepper plants after lunch. Will see what the weather turns out for tomorrow.
@Wee Farmer Sarah I hope the weather isn't too bad tomorrow as we'll be up in your area wheeling. It rained all morning here & not up there so I'm hoping for the same tomorrow!
I think it will be humid with a chance of isolated thunderstorms. It’s been really dry here for over two weeks. You should be OK.
Morning gardeners wore myself to a frazzle yesterday passed out last night but slept right
till this morning... Weed eating the chickens yard cutting grass the Sons new battery operated weed eater.
The fence line even around the garden cannot use weed eaters there wire and weed eater are not friends throwing the take to the chickens
Well, Look at that! It will be officially HOT here!

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No laughing from those in the SW, such as @igorsMistress, or HI @TropicalBabies and any others on here from really hot areas. It will be humid too. But after the extended wintery spring, I'm happy.

No garden news, really - it rained, YAY!

One chick we hatched needed to be put down bc it had a severe leg issue we could not improve. The other one with very mild splay leg improved within a day and is walking great, just needed a little support at first. Then there is one more that has moderate splay leg that seems to be improving, but we think it may have an additional issue with its foot joint. They are so small it is hard to tell for sure, so we are giving it time to improve. The two with splay legs look to be from the same egg/breed of mom (maybe eggs were from the same mom). Otherwise, they are all very active and eating and drinking and sleeping with the gusto of typical chicks! I need to post some pics of all of them.

Here is the one with mild splay legs and had moderately curled/not spread-out feet. If addressed early, can usually fix or improve that issue. Here he/she is with mildly sticky tape keeping the toes flat and spread out like they should be. After a day the toes looked improved, although not perfect. It also has the splay leg brace on (a rubber band and straw contraption), but isn't able to be seen in this pic.

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